sugreev2005-06's forum posts
Please don't flame me or be sarcastic...
I think it's time all of us who have Tried and Trusted Sony products to really unite ourselves.I really hate it when previous Playstation owners decline to call themselves "Sony Fanboys",while the microsoft fanboys wear it like a badge of quality.We all know which console will emerge in the end as the winner,and brand loyalty counts.I have all the three consoles from previous generations that Sony has produced and I will buy the PS3 next month,and I'm proud to be a Sony fan.
The GBA gives me something to do, other than read, while sitting on the pot. Its also enjoyable for waiting around for say...a doctors appointment or even a long drive-thru.mud88Man,that seriously is disgusting !
Wonder how much those puppies would be, they look purebred.SimpJeeI have a pure breed cocker spaniel myself,like the golden one above...and they are mighty expensive,but essentially worth it.
These dogs aren't actually mine,but being a dog owner myself...I thought I should share these pics with you.Enjoy !
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