ok I know I havent been on much the last like 3 days days sry ......... Any way I was just haveing too much fun to come on :D . I had to go to 2 partys heres a discription of both !
Ok the first one was my cosin Olivia's 1st BirthdayDay party ! I know what your think how the Heck can you have fun with a bunch of little kids ? :lol: Well I did ! Well of course since I was the oldest I watched all the little ones while the parnets talked and stuff like that . Usaly thats pretty boring watching a bunch of little kids but it was REALLY fun ! Ok their was this little baby pool so of course my cosin Chad dove right in after him was the Twins Ashley and Lucas I know what your think "thats like High School Musical ! " I know and they all think it is so funny especlly the twins lol . So then Liam came jumping in and so did Tommy . It was so cute Lucas and Ashley would always do wat eachother did lol . When Ashley went down the slide Lucas went down it . When Lucas went under the water Ashley went under . It was so cute ! They even told me that they were going to be Ryan and Sharpay for Halloween actully they look alot like Ryan and Sharpay lol ! Tommy was like the life of the party he gets up and starts to sing TSL theam song it was so cute ! Then they all joind in . So after that they made me give them piggie Back Rides of course Lucas and Ashley had to go together lol . They were all pretty light so I didnt mind thow . After I gave them the piggie back rides they dicicided to jump on the trampileen . Tommy , Liam , Chad ,and Lucas couldnt do any flips or anything . But Ashley man she was good at flips ! All of us would go 1,2,3 GO ! and Ashley would do some kind of back flip lol . Then we had cake I thought mabey it would be a time to just sit and talk with them . It was like that for about 3 minutes then I hear Lucas and Ashley both sream . I look over and they are both coverd with Cake ! Of coruse the first person I looked at was Chad . He always loved getting the twins mad I think the only reason he does that is because hes jelouse that they are always palying and leaving him out . When I go to ask Chad if he did it I peace of cake hits me and another one hits chad ! We laughed so I grabed a peace and hit Tommy and Chad throws his at Liam ! After about ten minutes we were COVERD in cake lol !
I'll right about the next party on my next blog !