Since she wrote the funny things I did I am going to write some nice things she did for me :D .
One time my parent's were fighting and my mom got in her car and left and my dad and my brother went out side and they left too . She was on the phone with me and I was crying and freaking out at the same time . She sat on the phone with me for an hour and told me that everything was gonna be ok .
One time when my brother was really sick and we thought he had cancer she told me jokes so I wouldn't think about it .
another time when my aunt was the buss diver and I was really upset she made a joke about how it is better then haveing my old bus driver that was a drunk old lady that always crashes in to stuff
one time I needed books for my report but I had to go to my brothers baseball game and I couldn't go on mothersday so she went and got me 5 book for my report .
thoes were just some of the things that SuiteLifeXxX9 has done for me :D .