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Field Day !

Tommorow is field day !!!!!! I am sooooooo excited ! My team is the pink team and my brother is the light green team They suck ! the teams that were competeing agenst are

the Red White and Blue witch are the Foxtons Firecrakers

the red team witch are the Sheild shockers

the black team witch is Sterensacks satiliens

the blue witch is the Gero's hero's

and my team the pink team witch is the Brenners Bomers

we dont play agenst my brothers team because their a differnt grade . I am so happy i painted my nails pink and i am going to put pink hilights in my hair YAY ! And I am wereing my pink shoes !

We are going to have so much fun . Some of the evernts are Tug-of -war , reliay, the 400, Voley ball, kick ball, obstical corse, jump the shot , softball throw, foot ball throw , siser high jump ( I win that every year i am the girl champ of the school I have the highst jump out of evey girl even the ones that are older than me) , runing long jump , Jump the shot , soccer ball kick, hula hoop contest ,  tier roll , ect

I cant wait ! I'll tell you all about it tommorow :)