sun_devils23's forum posts
...NOT FAIR!!! *pouts lips*Gamerboi27
WTF u talking about isnt the canadian dollar worth more then the american dollar now so it would make more sense 2 buy something in american funds
check and click on ps3 under movies and games then the first thing ull see is the HAZE special :D
Cant really tell if the gameplay is good from that the PES 2008 one shows a whole game and it looks just as good graphics wise as FIFA 08 I've always bought FIFA games and I hope EA is gonna give people who have been loyal to their franchise a reason to fall in love with this one
dont be led on by some bad reviews let reputable sites like ign and gamespot review it when it actually comes out..keep ur hopes high for these games trust me
For all you who are purchasing thegame I was just thinking about an online feature and heres what I got so far:
1. Customizable characters and a level system which allows for upgrades to your weapons and a weapons store where u can use the points you accumulate from the matches.
2. Each player gets a choice of Hand Guns/Assault rifle/shotguns and a sword. more unlockable as you level up
3. Obvioulsly each weapon would make a difference.
4. Be able to buy differentclothing and armor to customize characters appearance and protection.
5.Online would be in third person view allowing all the sweet moves that we've seen over the years from Dante. Which each character could use in battle and to add an aimer and eliminate auto aim to make the Online component about skill.
6. Online Chat while playing as well as in-game friend and game invites.
7. Be able to use your custom character upon completion of the original story within the game to allow replayability
8. Multiplatform. PS3.vsX360.vsPC
9. Purchasable content so that those who want special content would be able to purchase it.
10. All the Maps in the game would be on the Multiplayer.
11. Add-on Content to be added later.
12. Upon reaching a higher level CustomizableDevil trigger would be unlocked but would slightly increase speed, agility, the ablity to fly, depending on your customized character so that others who don't have it unlocked would feel left out because they cannot compete with higher ranked gamers.
Please tell me What you think about this thanks
hey has anyone heard anything on the framerate of of 2ks NHL game??
I know that EAs NHL is going to be only 30 frames, which if it is glitchy and slow like Madden will be unplayable for a hockey game.
anyone have any information??
please post where u seen that it is 30 FPS beacause I heard it was 60 FPS
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