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No More Heroes: The Censored Edition

What does a gorey game mean to your average gamer?

Well, I can't answer that. But as an Individual it's one thing that really does it in a game for me.
Okay so I'm not a blood thirsty goth, but I do enjoy the blood in certain games.
So they are 'censoring' the Europian version of NMH.

'Oh why didn't I see that coming?' first Manhunt 2 gets banned, and now this.
Okay, okay so it's not much of a censoring to be fair, the're just taking the blood out and replacing it with black smoke, or ash (Whatever they've done to ruin the experience.) But it's one of the things that makes this game what it is.
So Europe isn't exactly a place where people crave blood, but wasn't the blood one of the main features in No More Heroes?
It's what made the game violent, and help Nintendo get rid of the 'kiddy' label they've acquired over the years.

The blood which 'explodes' from the killed enemies just shoots out and is gone within a second.
So, why am I moaning about this?
Because it is a pointless ban, the blood is not around for very long, it's not even realistic.

This may have been Suda 51's choice, but it sure ain't a smart one...

Some of you may think I'm being stupid, but I know there are plenty of people who feel the same way.

I guess it's just one of those days.