Well it just hit home today with what EA was actually doing. A local resaler of video game whom I my constant business to said today that they probably wouldn't take any used copies of madden 11. I usually buy most of my games from there b/c of the nice little discount that I get b/c I am the owner's son friend. I stopped by today just to see what they had in stock and we struck up a converstation about why EA would do this. It seems that we are getting less and less of a product each year from the game companies. Pretty soon what they are going to do is start charging $60+ for a game that has less work put in it than what we are getting now. If you are like me then you can afford one maybe two brand new games a year. This year my purchase of RDR and Halo Reach are the only two NEW games that I will be able to purchase. Gaming is an expensive hoddy, I know, but that still doesn't mean the big gaming companies need to continue to "stick it to" the consumers. You don't see the authors of books marking up the prices for used books. Just becasue they aren't getting any resale value off thier games is pretty outrageous. This almost has made me sick. Well thats my ran until next time.
sunsetcrakcer Blog
New Game
by sunsetcrakcer on Comments
Let me start off by saying that having no Internet at home is a total drag. It is not fun to drive around down town in 90 degree weather with an Ipod touch trying to find some free Internet, just so you can update your facebook from over the weekend. Thankfully on Friday I purchased a new game, well new to me, that is primarily an offline game. So now I have something occupy mind during this down time. The game is called Metal Gear Solid 4, it's came out in June in 2008. It's a kind of along the lines of the splinter cell games, except good. I never really got into the other three games, but this game has sucked me into it. I find myself up later than what I should playing this game. I have heard that's it is a pretty short game and a little over a four days I haven't reached act 3 yet. The real objective to this game is to sneak around and NOT get caught. I pretty much gave that up after about 5 min of playing the first act. I try to sneak around when I can, but if they find me then I introduce them to the gun that I equipped. Over all I give this game a 9/10.
Dissappointing Games
by sunsetcrakcer on Comments
I felt that I needed to post this blog, probably out of sure frustration at the time of posting. This weekend I rented Fight Night Round 4, thinking this was going to be awesome b/c of what you could do in boxer creation and my love for Fight Night Round 3. I remember when I got that game for the Xbox, it was great! I spent a lot of time just playing that game. I think that I finished a couple of times through on career. I thought that this would more or less the same, I was dead wrong. If you would to read my review of the game it's already posted at the game's page. The game itself was changed way to much. The controls are very horrid compaired to what they used to be. I really don't understand why EA doesn't remembe the KISS method. KISS stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. I don't want to have to remember all the different joy stick movements just preform a simple weave. I guess this is more of a rant, thanks for reading.
Battlefield Bad Company.
by sunsetcrakcer on Comments
I don't understand why not a lot of people have played this game. I how can you pass up the price of $20 (at least for the PS3)? It is such a great game. While call of duty is a great game it's completely different. This game almost forces you to work together as a team. Which I think is a good concept for the FPS genre. I originally bought this on my old Xbox 360, when the RROD fairy paid me a visit I decided to get a PS3. This was the second game that I bought it. I've owned on both the systems and can't be more happy with the purchase. I was online pretty late last night and not to pat myself on the back or anything but I was doing pretty well. There really isn't enough good things that I could say about this game. One thing to note though is that it does take a while to fully appreciate this game, you may not like it at first but give some time and I think that it will grow on you. Well that's my two cents for right now.
Modern Warfare 2
by sunsetcrakcer on Comments
You can say that you heard it hear first, I am going to predict that this will be the game of the year. I know that there probably has been plenty of posts about this game leading up to it but I think that it's going to blow everyother game in the franchise away. From the videos that I have seen, it looks out standing!! I've haven't been this hyped about a game since Halo 3 came out. I am going the nearest gamestop and trade in my copy of world towards the purchase of this game. I really can't wait for this game to come out.
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