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Dissappointing Games

I felt that I needed to post this blog, probably out of sure frustration at the time of posting. This weekend I rented Fight Night Round 4, thinking this was going to be awesome b/c of what you could do in boxer creation and my love for Fight Night Round 3. I remember when I got that game for the Xbox, it was great! I spent a lot of time just playing that game. I think that I finished a couple of times through on career. I thought that this would more or less the same, I was dead wrong. If you would to read my review of the game it's already posted at the game's page. The game itself was changed way to much. The controls are very horrid compaired to what they used to be. I really don't understand why EA doesn't remembe the KISS method. KISS stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. I don't want to have to remember all the different joy stick movements just preform a simple weave. I guess this is more of a rant, thanks for reading.