So I'll just blog about some updates. :P
So I managed to plat one of my new all-time favorite game- Fallout 3 GOTY edition
Vault-Boy is awesome.
Hot diggity dog, it was a fun game. I still got 3 more DLC's to go through, and I'll do it with much pleasure. I worried about the game because I heard a lot about the game being plagued with bugs. (It isn't but God help you when you reach the end of the game. If you can get past the lag) Best game I've played since KOTOR and Oblivion (noticing a trend? :o ) With this game, it's official I would get on my knees for any Western RPG developer. They never were really big or shined out until this gen. With the lack of JRPGs, I can enjoy it before I get FF 13 when it comes out this Tuesday.
Which reminds me, I've never been excited for JRPG in a very long time, seeing how the PS3 has a limited (but growing) library of JRPGs, and now that FF13 is coming out in a few days, that giggling little school girl inside me is giggling again. AND IT REMINDED ME HOW TEDIOUS IT IS TO WAIT FOR SOMETHING AWESOME. We've heard 'okay' things about it, I've not actually read the reviews, but apparently it can be compared to FFX-2 from seeing the scores. I'm still down for it though, it's ****ing Final Fantasy.
For those who read my Escapist blog a while back should know that despite The Escapist having a great forum, it's not nearly as active as Gamespot is, so it looks like I'll spend most of my free time here. (I always make 'good-bye for now' blogs so prematurely >_>) You should check it out though, 'Go for Zero Punctuation, stay for the forums.'
Ah well, that's it for about another couple of months. TA TA!
Song of the Blog:Kid CuDi - Cudi Zone -