Holy Cheese and Crackers.
I'm gonna let you into a little secret of my life, it's not very eventful, let alone very fresh. I'm fricking 16 and I hear kids my age how their ex girlfriend cried herself to sleep because she ate too much cake a house party. WTH.
[spoiler] Actually, I got a girl to do a naughty thing, so it's not so uneventful :oops: :P [/spoiler]
So this is a new 'not so new' update on my life.
To be quite honest my day schedule is: Get up, school, come back, ps3, sleep, repeat. With the occasional chilling with a friend or two
**** >_>
So now, I've turned to something that I don't usually do but don't hate either. Books. I've read a couple so far; Lord of the Flies, and I'm reading Paradise Lost and 1984. Both pretty good though Paradise Lost is a little tedious. Also note I can't watch T.V. because Rogers cut the free cable I was leeching of them (Damn bastards :x) so I hardly watch anything but the fuzzy channel 3 news that I seldom watch, except only for weather.
If there's any shows you recommend watching on the internet or any books, let me know, cool? Cool.
But otherwise, **** your better life and gtfo. :x
Song of the Blog: Hate it or Love it - The Game