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...So I guess I could tell you about myself?

Hell, it's not like I have much else to talk about anyway, because I'm an unbelieveable cretin who leads a boring life, plus seeing 'I'm going away to a cottage tommorrow' will confuse a couple of people, seeing how the summer is now over :o

But if anything here's an update of my life so far:

  • I watched District 9 not too long ago and it was smart and amazing, (quite the opposite of me :( lol) and heads were exploding, aliens were being oppressed and the white South Africans were cussing so much that they probably grew up with the F-bomb so much that the movie made it feel like that's how they say 'Hello' over there.
  • I'm finally getting my PS3 back, after a cruel summer away from it, I became familiar with the bright sun and tans (:o) so much that I'm ready to become a mole again. Just in time for school :)
  • Speaking of which, I'm heading to Grade 11, and frankly I'm excited, I have big expectations for this year, and I hope everything goes well.


About Me

- I'm latino, more specifically Nicaraguan (Sadly, not a lot of people know where that is on a world map, and I usually have to show them.)

-I'm white. Yeah, latino and white, white to the point that the cafeteria lady started talking to me in Italian. (Not that I'm half latino or anything, I'm full, but apparently I have Portugese or Spanish ancestors)

-supa_badman was a name I made up only for GS, I thought I wouldn't be on here much so I just made the first name that came to my head :lol:

-I'm a really devout Catholic, you may not see it so much, if at all because I hate getting into arguments/talking about it, I respect the other persons decision even though I don't necessairily agree with it if they have a different religion (Or lack thereof) , which many people still have to learn, I find.

- I used to be really shy at one point in my life, then really loud and cocky, now I feel I found a balance

-I'm 16, like 78% of all GameSpot :P

- I love soccer, (Brasil, Real Madrid and Manchester United RULE! WHOO!) but I don't watch or follow much else, except for hockey, a little bit.

-I'm ecelectic when it comes to music, I could be listening to Classic rock, Jazz, Hip-Hop, some Metal, grunge, Whatever, you get it. Sticking to just one type of music is rather boring imo.

And there's more, but I'm on the internet and thus a little creepy, until next blog then :)

Q-Tip-Gettin' Up

For you Cody :P I'm making you love Hip Hop :D