DONT! you will regret it! all the games for DS are kiddy games except for the few extremely sucky so calle vioelnt games! well, except for BIA, war stories... but still! dont bye a ds! i have one, and i juust use it as a gameboy advance! keep your PSP!
OK! 1. enter USB mode on your PSP while! you have the USB cable in the PSP an the computer. 2. go to your my computer icon on your com, click on removeble disc 3. right click, move your mouse to new, look for the name * file * on the new section of your right click. 4 click it, name it Music and and press enter on the keyboard. 5. now, get some music from a website. and yes Itunes will work on the PSP system. 6. minimize the Removeble disc page while IN the Music file. 7. go to the file you saved the song to, left click and hold, drag the song over the minimized rectangle at the bottom of your com, and once the removeble disc page pops up, release the left click on your mouse, and the song should be in your psp system! ex everything off, and your done! enjoy your music!
NO! COMEPLETE WASTE! its only color. and if ur DS gets keft out in the sun, it wont absorb as much heat! ( i have a black one, but if i had a white one, i wouldn't trade it in for a black one.)
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