it's been great guys, but i'm losing interest. I made a fan character series on youtube called "Mystery of the Ghost Emeralds" if you guys are interested. My username is in two other blog entries, but i'll type it again. It's foxfire13795 Well, bye it's been great if you have a youtube account friend me and i'll see you there. bye.
super_sonic5743 Blog
Hey I'm back! For now, read this.
by super_sonic5743 on Comments
hey guys, i'm back 4 the time being. or to whoever is reading this. i don't get on gamespot that much anymore, i made a youtube account if anyone is interested. my username is foxfire13795. see you there, hopefully!
Hey guys....
by super_sonic5743 on Comments
hey guys, i'm back 4 the time being. or to whoever is reading this. i don't get on gamespot that much anymore, i made a youtube account if anyone is interested. my username is foxfire13795. see you there
Yeah, I havn't been on in a while.
by super_sonic5743 on Comments
Yeah, what the topic says is true, i havn't been on for like a month. My computer's having technical difficulties and that's what you get i guess. My interests are very fleeting, so if i'm not really interested i could be taking "vacations" that are long.
YAY! I'm in a union!
by super_sonic5743 on Comments
I'm now apart of that union I was talkin about B4. It's awesome and I'm level 2 now! Isn't life great?!:P
I found IT!
by super_sonic5743 on Comments
I found the union that I checked out B4, I might join it. But, I'm always open to other unions, just not ones that I don't really know what kind of stuff it talks about.:?
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