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For the Alliance? Huh? Wait, no!

It's been a long time since I have made a journal entry. It's been a rocky last week or so. I had my first "fight" with my girlfriend. Nothing too major and we're better now. The only lingering problem that I don't know what to do about is that she's a vegetarian and I'm an omnivore that leans towards carnivorism. So she conplains that a lot of the time when we kiss my mouth tastes like meat, and this disgusts her. Since I brush my teeth all the time directly before kissing, I am at a loss on what else to do. It's not like I can take up vegetarianism any more than she can start liking meat. Hopefully we can find a happy middle ground, but it's a concerning problem.

She has also still been sick, which means lots of WoW time for me. My druid is up to lvl 33, so he's not progressing very quickly anymore. The main reason for this is my hunter, who is now lvl 27. I think the hunter is much more fun to play, and suits my playstyle a little better than the druid. But as the druid, I ran into a situation where I was having trouble finding appropriate quests. Everything kept pointing me towards Stranglethorn Vale, so I went there and as a skinner / leatherworker the quests are GREAT because most focus on killing animals. So I get gobs of exp plus leather. Win /win. The only problem is that I noticed that when I finished talking to the quest givers they kept saying, "for the Alliance." So apparently I'm doing "Alliance" quests, which ticks me off as a member of the Horde. It's doubly annoying that the area is crawling with Alliance and most seem to enjoy slapping me as they run by. Har har, so funny.

Not much else going on. Looking forward to a three day weekend and hopefully *fingers crossed* some "quality time" with Amber.