I have forgotten the title and it is driving me crazy trying to find it. All I know about it is that it was a freeware RPG, nice looking screenshots, and seemed to be like Wizardry 8 or Might and Magic. I can't remember where on Gamespot it was but I think it was on the front page for a few days and thinking that it was odd for a freeware game to be in that spot. The only other tip I have is that the few screenshots displayed seemed to have alot of green in them from grass and trees and such. Thank you in advance for any help.
My wow addiction is a bit strange I think. I got the game and started out just playing here and there learning the system and then discoverd my love for WOW PVP and started ignoring everything in real life. I would think about WOW nonstop even when not playing and to save time gave up showering and eating on a regular basis. I would also stay up anywhere from 3-7 am and when I finally did go to sleep my dreams would often look like the game like I was still playing things out in my mind. Then I just woke up one day and thought this is getting old and quit playing for more than half a year. I then started playing again for a few months and quit again and did the same half year off 2 months on when the expansion came out. I plan on going back to the game in the future since I didn't get to the endgame part of the expansion and spent most of my time playing the new races. It probably doesn't help any of this that I play about 10 different classes in both horde and ally side and want to get them all to 70 even though I know I can't do this without destroying myself in the process!
I'm thinking about replacing my monitor with a 19" or 20" inch lcd and I'm kinda nervous about the problems I might have with old games like Fallout, Baldurs Gate, Diablo and old point and click adventure games. I have a laptop that I can run many of these games on so I expect similar results but what happens to the picture if I get a widescreen lcd? Would I just end up with black bars on the side? Thanks in advance for any replies.
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