Hey I haven't been on in a while becasue all the time spent on my computer (that is all the time my mom will let me go on CAN'T WAIT FOR SUMMER!) is spent playing this awesome online multiplayer game called runescape. If you have ever heard of runescape befroe you Know that it rocks and if you think it doesn't well then you stink. But yea in runescape you create a character go through a tutorial and then go out on your own into a huge online multiplayer world. There is so much to do! here are just a few out of thousands of things to do: Magic combat, melee combat, archery, spells, fishing, cooking, fletching, mining, smithing, thieving, agility and many many more!! Whoever is reading this should defiantly try it out! Go to www.runescape.com then you can click and read a bunch of different things to learn more about it or you can start your own account. Click on the start your own account botton and begin this wonderful game. If you want to be my friend ( I'm lvl 42 which is pretty high so it would be useflu to have me as a friend to help you out with things or give you things such as money) my name is Rymax05 just add it to your friends list. Kk thats all for now I'll post next time I'm on peace CAN'T WIAT FOR SUMMER!!!!
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