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Ugh back in school but there is something else good...

Yea we are now back in school and it stinks:cry:. Yea we get to see friends and stuff but in the summer yo could sleep till 10 wake up play some video games for an hour or so get something to eat play some more video games. Yea... that was the life:P! But whatever you can't stop school from coming. It just makes me look forward to thanksgiving break and christmas break. Plus my B-day is in like 2 weeks and with X-mas I get lots fo presents. I can't wait fro my B-day cuz I'm getting an...X-box 360!!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!! :D:P:D Yes I can't wait and the first game I'm getting for it is Halo 2 then Halo! I love the online compitions its the best!!!!!!!!! Well thats deffinatly gona brigthen school.