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#1 superluigi96
Member since 2007 • 504 Posts
Threw a throwing knife at a dude on MW2. It ricocheted off the floor into the guy's nads. And it was the game-winning killcam.
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#2 superluigi96
Member since 2007 • 504 Posts

Yes, there is an option to turn the gore off in L4D2. There wasn't in L4D1, but that game wasn't nearly as gory as the sequel. Plus they had to tone down the gore to get the game released in Australia anyway, so might as well throw the option in there, right?

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#3 superluigi96
Member since 2007 • 504 Posts

I've had limited success with this technique:

I just kept plugging in the charge cable, waiting for the green light to come on, unplugging it and plugging it back in again. Eventually the red light stayed on. I'm going to try this with my other controller and battery, which is also having the same problems. I'll let you know if it works.

Apparently it's an idiosyncracy of LiIon batteries, if you dischage them too much they're reluctant to charge back up again. By constantly charging them a bit with the play and charge kit you build up the charge enough for them to properly charge. I have no idea if this is true or not, but it's currently working on one of my batteries.

My eternal thanks to you, Chris. I had this same problem with three of my batteries, and I was just about to replace them. This technique worked for me. Thank you so much. You saved me a huge wad of cash.
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#4 superluigi96
Member since 2007 • 504 Posts

I played it alot at the beginning. What turned me off is I would answer question after question right, and usually get a really high score but I was never picked as the one, or to be in the mob. However time after time I would see people come on with a score of like 1,234 and get picked as the one. Of course they would usually blow it after two or three questions.

If it was supposed to be completely random picking I could understand that but numerous times the game mentions people are picked for their accuracy, and speed. How can people with 700 or 1500 scores have been accurate or quick?


The score they show on the studio screen has nothing to do with their 1 vs 100 performance. It's their gamerscore. I would have preferred to see their lifetime score, but gamerscore is what they chose to display, soo....

Personally, I'm excited. Last season I made #1 in the Crowd, and I'm liking the changes they've made. Speed is no longer a major factor in contestant selection. All contestants will be selected by score. (Not gamerscore, 1 vs 100 score.)

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#5 superluigi96
Member since 2007 • 504 Posts
It's not unfair. In fact, if DLC didn't come with achievements, a lot of people probably wouldn't pay for 'em. I can think of one achievement in Fable 2 that was one of the original 1000, though, that required you or a friend to have the Pub Games XBLA game. That was lame.
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#6 superluigi96
Member since 2007 • 504 Posts

I seriously doubt you'll get a Jasper model. I'm 95% sure that the 60 GB Pro was discontinued before the Jaspers came out, or it was discontinued shortly after. Most likely you'll wind up with a Falcon, which is more prone to RROD, but much less than the launch Zephyr models. You'll get the 3 year extended warranty for RROD so if you do get it, you can have it repaired for free. Honestly, just spend the extra $50 and get the Elite though. You should be guaranteed to get a Jasper, plus you'll get the extra 60 GB of space.

Jasper's been out for a while now, and 60 GB just got discontinued a month or two ago. It could be a Jasper, depending on how long it's been sitting on store shelves.
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#7 superluigi96
Member since 2007 • 504 Posts
I heard the newest model of 360's have a failure rate of less than 10%, so you should be good, and if something does happen there's a warranty, so you should be good.
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#8 superluigi96
Member since 2007 • 504 Posts
There are two main noisemakers in the 360: the disc drive and the fan. My fan is obscenely loud if the Xbox is on its side, but quiet when it's put upright. The disc drive noise varies based on what disc is in though. I don't know why, but when I'm playing Call of Duty the disc makes very little noise, but when I'm playing Halo 3 or Fable 2 it gets really noisy. If it's the disc drive, install your games (if you can, Halo 3 isn't optimized for HDD installs so I'm stuck with noise there). If it's the fan, try re-orienting your Xbox.
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#9 superluigi96
Member since 2007 • 504 Posts
Try turning it on its side if you've got it vertical, or vice versa. Mine plays fine when it's vertical but sounds like it's trying to blast off into space when put horizontally. If that doesn't work, then cross your fingers and pray. Or get it checked out by a professional. There's always that.
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#10 superluigi96
Member since 2007 • 504 Posts
Best items: the default items you get for free. Worst items: the ones that cost money. The props are fun to browse through, though, just to see what the avatar does with them. I like the RC Warthog.