If you go back and read my post entitled "Bummin'...", you'll find a sad tale about how I almost got an XBOX 360 for free. What you don't know is that later that week, I had e-mailed the website about how their new policy of a 90 day time frame was unfair because I was never notified. Much to my surprise, they gave me an extension to get my eighth person. My determination was renewed.
I did manage to get my eighth person credited to my account. The next step I had to fulfill was to send an approval form. At this stage they check you and your referrals for any signs of cheating. I wasn't the least bit worried. Besides, they had all been credited so what else could go wrong?
Much to my dismay, after checking my account, I was not approved. Apparently they claim that my father somehow broke the terms of agreement since his account is on hold. Which translates into me only having 7 people credited and therefore not completing the requirements. To put it another way - NO XBOX 360 for Mario. :(
Now I understand that perhaps I should have gone and found a 9th or 10th person, just to play it safe. (Which I'm sure is exactly what they want you to do in the first place.) But I know that my father did nothing of the sort to break the terms of agreement, so I start to wonder just how many of these they are really giving away.
By now, I'm tired of messing with the whole thing. I don't even want to contest it because I'm sure they'll give me some lame response. So, I've come to accept the fact that I won't be playing a nex-gen system for quite some time.
And after thinking about it, maybe that's not such a bad idea. I've got a long list of Original XBOX games I'd like to play. And with Backwards Compatibility on the X360 sucking so badly. I might just find myself buying a shiny new XBOX sometime in the near future.
For now, I'm still loving on my SP....