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Concerning Castlevania...

Over the past couple of months, I've been finding less and less game time since I started a new semester at college.  Yet somehow, one game has managed to keep me occupied throughout this time span - Castlevania: Circle of the Moon on the Gameboy Advance. 

And the reason why I've been playing it for months is not because it's hard to beat or anything.  On the contrary, I'm currently on my 3rd run of the game!  You'd think I'd be tired of it by now, but I'm looking forward to getting some time in tonight, because there is some serious undead butt-kicking that needs to be done. 

I must say, this game is simply amazing.  It is, believe it or not, my first Castlevania game.  I missed out on all the previous incarnations on the older consoles.  However, I think my next game is going to be Symphony of the Night for the Playstation if I can find a good deal. 

After coming off of Metroid and Metroid Fusion some months back, I was delighted to find some familiar gameplay in an entirely different setting.  Obtaining items that unlock new areas is definitely a game technique that I find welcome. 

But there's so much more to Circle of the Moon than Metroidian similarities.  In fact, the game takes a page or two from the role playing genre as well.  Upgradeable gear and the use of magic that gives you special abilities and summons, not to mention character stats and leveling up.  A union between Metroid and RPGs set in Dracula's castle can't be a bad thing!

Once you beat it the first time through, you get a password that starts off a new game with different stats and abilities.  This feature is like icing on a cake.  Different modes of play give this game extended replay value which is always a plus. 

Now I understand the fact that reviews from gaming websites like this one should always be taken with a grain of salt since reviews are really just someone's opinion.  But, if you take the time to look, Castlevania: Circle of the Moon is the highest-rated GBA game on this website.  And I'll agree, that if it's not the best GBA game ever, it sure comes pretty close.

I'm looking forward to playing the two sequels for the GBA - Harmony of Dissonance & Aria of Sorrow!