I just beat Golden Sun for the Gameboy Advance - what a great game! Great story, lengthy quest, awesome music, excellent graphics for the equivalent of a handheld Super Nintendo, and tried and true gameplay. What more could you want? I've only played a couple of RPGs in my lifetime. And if there are awesome games like Golden Sun out there I might just become an RPG fanboy....
I remember when I was younger, I went to my cousin's house and watched him as he played the greats - FF7, FF8, Xenogears, Breath of Fire series, Vagrant Story, etc. I always thought the games he played were cool, but they just weren't for me. I was used to platformers like Mario or random action/adventure stuff. I didn't get what was so fun about going through bunches of menus (the guy was lightening fast!) and selecting attack and heal and whatnot!
I understood that they were supposed to be epic stories but I just couldn't see the fun in hours upon hours of gameplay in a dark room. I just sat quietly and admired the stunning graphics not really knowing the appeal of a grand quest.
Years later (almost 10), for some reason I'll never know, I developed a bit of curiosity for RPGs. And one day, I decided that my lack of appreciation for the genre was unwarranted since I never gave it a try. I took it upon myself and picked up a friend's copy of FF1 and FF2 for the GBA. My cousin said to give it an hour of gameplay and if I still didn't like it to give it another. And if after that I still did not see the appeal, then it just wasn't my cup of tea.
After I got the mechanics down, I was enjoying my first RPG experience with the game that most RPG gamers started with. The original Final Fantasy. I loved it! I promptly beat the next one. Thus began a lifetime of getting lost in massive quests to save the world - otherwise known as fantasy.
So as of this posting, I am now also in love with the Golden Sun universe and am highly looking forward to its sequel - The Lost Age. If you have the slightest interest in handheld RPGs, I strongly recommend the Golden Sun series. You can get them both used for less than $10 each at Gamestop.