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I think I'll give this blogging thing a try.  In the past, I usually reserved this space as a place to keep reminders for myself.  But since it seems most people love to hear themselves rattle, maybe I'll give it a shot too....

Moving on, I cannot describe how much I miss sitting down in front of the TV to play a game.  My new baby boy has been keeping me up.  Luckily my wife and I have managed some sort of schedule where we can each get about 5 hours sleep.  But it seems tonight, we're looking at 4 or less.  -Swell! 

Take it from me boys and girls.  When you fall in love with someone and end up having a baby later on.  Your gaming time drops to almost zero.  But you know something - it's worth it. And it won't always be like that.  But it's been a long time since I played something that wasn't a GBA game I could just pick up and play...

I hear Greg Kasavin is in the same boat, except he works at a company where playing games is his job.  I wonder if he goes home at night to get his fix or just stays away from it all together.  I wouldn't mind switching jobs with him for a day! 

I tell you one thing, I sure am thankful for my SP!