I must admit disappointment when I read this article from the GDC... I might as well forget about Backwards Compatibility on the XBOX 360. Especially considering that less than a third of the original XBOX games are compatible with the 360. There are still a number of games that I really wanted to play.
Look, before I go any further I understand that everyone else is done with the XBOX and very few people care about backwards compatibility. (Heck, Gamespot didn't even report this news! And they report stuff like this.) I mean it makes sense that if you buy a 360, you'd rather be playing Gears of War than KOTOR II. I understand that. But, I'm the type of guy who still plays PS1 games (and PS2 for that matter) because I arrived late to the scene. I'd like to play Halo and Halo 2 before I move onto the third one.
Luckily, Microsoft realized at least that much because there are a good number of XBOX titles that are compatible. Halo, Forza, Ninja Gaiden, Fable, KOTOR, Jade Empire, evrything Tom Clancy, just to name a few. But there are quite a few more that I'd like to experience before moving on...
From my understanding, MechAssault was a pretty good mech series that was fun to play. Those titles can only be found on XBOX. Sure, I know there's a DS version and chances are high they'll make a 360 version soon, but I could go to Gamestop right now and pick up both titles for less than $10 combined - if they were compatible.
While I do play Unreal Tournament on PC, I heard the Unreal Championship games were really worthwhile because of the new gameplay. Again, hours of entertainment lost when both games combined would only cost $10 at Gamestop. Again, XBOX exclusives.
Both Oddworld games are missing from the list as well - also an XBOX exclusive. Stranger's Wrath was supposed to be pretty good. Not to mention that there are a number of other worthwhile XBOX games that are exclusive as well: Phantom Dust, Panzer Dragoon, Otogi, Kingdom Under Fire, Jet Set Radio.
Microsoft did make Burnout 3 compatible, but what about the first two? I'd like to see how the series progressed. Do they expect me to suck it up and get the PS2 versions? (No, they want me to forget about it and go buy Burnout Revenge "In Stores Now"!) - Same scenario could be said for Project Gotham, except that's another XBOX exclusive. Similarly, I think I'd enjoy Elder Scrolls Oblivion even more if I could see the difference from Morrowind which isn't on the list.
Now I know the Brothers in Arms series is multiplatform. But from what I gather the other console versions blow hard. The PC version is supposed to be on par with the XBOX, but why would I need another WWII shooter on PC, we've already got excellent versions of Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, and Battlefield! Not to mention the dozens of other multiplatform games that were superior on the XBOX to begin with.
... For the longest time, I was seriously considering getting a used XBOX. But part of me has finally decided to forget about those games listed above and heed Micro$oft's will to get a 360. I guess I just got used to the idea of my PS2 being more or less completely compatible. (I hear even the NA PS3 has issues.) Besides as I stated previously at the top of this blog, there are still a number of superb games that are compatible, and I should be thankful for at least that. (Honestly, if it wasn't for those, I'd be in the process of ordering a used XBOX saying the 360 could wait).
It's not like I'll be getting a 360 any time soon anyways. I really can't see myself dropping $400 on a console - *gives "evil eye" to Sony*. (I know there's a core version, but if you can't tell from this post, I'll be playing the old games, so I'm gonna need that hard drive.) Maybe there will be a nice fat price drop soon that will sway me into stores. And hopefully by the time I do get around to purchasing a 360, the backwards compatibility department will release at least one more update (there were only 3 last year) and maybe rectify a few of those titles I listed above.
Here's hoping!