Well, my wife and I finally moved in to our new place. And now for the first time in over a year I can play my consoles again! Allow me to explain...
When news of the baby first hit, we found it necessary to move in with my in-laws in order to knock out the expenses. (Very grateful to them by the way!) Naturally there was very limited space, and my Gamecube and PS2 pretty much gathered dust.
I wasn't too bummed or anything since I still had my beloved GBA SP and I could still play some older PC games on my laptop. But after a while I kind of missed having a contoller in my hands and kicking butt on my 27" TV.
Last week, I sat down to relax for some Resident Evil. (If "relaxing" is the right word to use for that game - lol!) My wife and I visit our town in Animal Crossing almost every day. And it's nice to have a game like that where you can just pick up and play without feeling the necessity to save the world!
Last night I decided to pop in Metroid Prime 2 since I had owned it for a while but hadn't gotten to play it yet. And sure enough, it was pushing close to midnight when I realized I needed some rest before going into work today. I think it's safe to say that before the night's over some Space Pirates are going to be taught a lesson about who not to deal with.
Sigh.... It's just nice to be able to do something that I've always enjoyed doing - Playing Games. I guess that's why we're all here on this website.
Okay, enough rambling. For now I'm trying to build my PS1 library with some wicked cool RPGs and other fare. More on that later...