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The Compromise...

Perhaps the longest blog I've ever written. Read on if you've got the time and patience...

My stance on current iterations of video game consoles has been somewhat "indifferent" in the past. Owning a PS2, a Gamecube, and a Gameboy Advance has left me quite satisfied as there are a number of gems on those systems. (Significantly more on the PS2!) And while I have always been content with what I have, part of me has been aching to try out the gems that are exclusive to Microsoft and its XBOX systems...

As of today, I am harboring very little interest in the PS3. First and foremost because of that $600 price point. (But there's been a price drop you say! ... while supplies last. - Thanks a lot Sony.) :roll: Secondly, at present there are few games that I'm interested in playing on that system. (Sure but more top tier games are coming! Like Metal Gear Solid 4, Devil May Cry 4, Final Fantasy XIII!!! - That's nice, but I think I'd like to catch up on their predecessors before diving into the sequels.) And third - my PS2 has so much life left and the humongous library the PS2 has is impressive. Honestly, I could see myself buying a PS2 Slim should my current one breakdown. Bottom line: the PS3 is not anywhere near my next purchase. Don't get me wrong though, if you are my rich second cousin-in-law twice removed and are looking for a good Christmas gift for me, a PS3 would be very nice!

As for Nintendo and their little Wii - Sorry, couldn't resist :P - I am much more interested. I like the fact that it's innovative and different. Unlike Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo decided that HD graphics isn't that important to a lot of people. In fact, most don't even know their shiny new consoles are capable of true HD quality. :| But I will agree that significantly better graphics than its predecessor would have been a strong selling point for the Wii. At any rate, the price point (currently $250) is much more manageable for me, and to top it off they've got some quality 1st party titles and multiplayer games. And like the PS2, there are a number of games I've yet to play on the 'Cube anyways. Personally, I know I'm going to need to play Metroid Prime 3, but I don't need to play it tomorrow. I can wait for a price drop or two. Bottom line: I'd like a Wii, but unless my little Gamecube blows up tonight, it could be a while before I get around to grabbing one.

And next up is the elusive XBOX 360. I was always interested in getting this console. The primary reason was backwards compatibility. The opportunity to play those original XBOX games I never got the chance to as well as any new 360 games almost had me going out and getting one at launch. The one thing that kept me from doing so was a lack of money. :( ($400 is a lot for me.) And soon after launch, I discovered that very few games were backwards compatible. Luckily for me, Microsoft is well on their way to dissolving that problem almost two years after launch. Then to top it off the console has been under fire lately for being largely breakable. Fortunately, Microsoft is addressing the issue and the newer systems on the shelves should be more reliable. More good news came in the form of a $50 price drop. Bottom line: The XBOX 360 is sounding more and more like a really good idea. ;)

On to the handheld department - I must admit that even though the improvements are REALLY minor, that PSP Slim is very enticing. However, I still need more convincing before dropping $180 on the system, especially from the game department. PS2 hand-me-downs, remakes, puzzlers, and quirky Japanese games aren't enough to get me reaching for my wallet. However that upcoming God of War PSP game might get me to reconsider. Bottom line: I don't need a PSP today. Or tomorrow. Or next week for that matter. (Basically the same feeling for the PS3.)

And finally the Nintendo DS. Anyone keeping up with my blog knows that I do a lot of gaming on my broken Gambeboy Advance. In fact, I probably use Nintendo's older handheld the most. Its convenience is unparalleled. Especially for a college student with a full-time job and a family. The price of a DS ($130) is very affordable, and again the 1st party titles are excellent. The only thing the Nintendo DS lacks at the moment is some solid RPG titles. (Gonna need more than Final Fantasy III.) Backwards compatibility with the GBA is superb considering the list of GBA titles I've still yet to get my hands on. The fact that my GBA has a bum trigger button limits the games I can play. A Nintendo DS would solve that problem and provide years and years of good times. Bottom line: Nintendo DS + supermario-2000 = :D

Well, recently I came into a little extra money than I normally have available to me. And I thought it was time to pick up a new console. In fact my most recent blog saw me pondering to aquire an XBOX or an XBOX 360. Before long, my mind was made up and my eyes were set on the X360. My wife and I discussed making such a big purchase. Obviously, $350 is still pretty high for me. She convinced me to wait on getting that 360 until an inevitable price drop brought the system closer to our range of acceptance. But don't get me wrong, my wife is not pushy or controlling. She was very sweet about it, understanding of my passion for gaming. In fact, she convinced me to get a DS instead. I figured the price of the X360 had only one way to go, and I'm a very patient man. However, I am starting to wonder how much of her reasoning for a DS has to do with her own curiosity for the system. j/k :P

So, I went to the store and picked up a Black Onyx DS Lite. (We figured the black one would make it harder to see scratches and such.) I also picked up a 3-year extended warranty, a travel kit that included a car charger and retractable headphones (ooh that's special!), and my very first DS game: New Super Mario Bros. I can't believe it's been 15 years since we had a proper 2D sidescroller Mario game. After a little hands-on time, I must say I'm impressed and I'm looking forward to the other excellent DS titles.

What's more impressive, is the upgrade in graphics from the GBA SP. I am currently playing Final Fantasy IV Advance (about half-way through) and today I popped it into my DS and I was blown away by how much more crisp the edges and colors were. Needless to say, I am very happy with my purchases.

The only gripes I have are very minor. The first is that the Nintendo DS is obviously less portable than its predecessor, the GBA SP. Granted it's not huge or anything, but the SP could fit into my jeans if I needed to. I wouldn't even attempt that with the DS Lite. (Not to mention that first DS was huge!) I'm not asking for Nintendo DS 'Micro' or anything, I'm just disappointed that the convenience factor for me was shaved. The good part however is that inisde this "bigger" system is the hardware of an advanced Nintendo 64 in the palm of my hands. Nice!

The second gripe is about as silly as the one above. I guess I was under the impression that GBA cartridges would fit inside the DS. I was disappointed to find that the cartridge actually jutted out from the system:

I guess I always figured it would be like the GBA SP with the cartridge sliding neatly into the system:

The reason for my disappointment is twofold. 1) It does not fit into any DS case if a GBA cartridge is loaded into it. I imagine the majority of the games I'll be playing are GBA (at least for the time being). So it renders that little snazzy nylon case in that travel kit obsolete if I'm busy playing Final Fantasy IV. 2) I'm a little frightened at the prospect of damaging my DS or the GBA cartridge by simply carrying it around in my pocket or where ever with the cartridge jutting out the way it is. I feel like a well placed bump could lose me my GBA functionality lest I carry the DS and GBA cartridge separate. Any suggestions on that dear reader?

Anyway, other than those minor gripes, you can color me happy! The Nintendo DS Lite is a fascinating machine with huge future potential. While simultaneously improving my GBA library (i.e. killer graphics) and releasing more great titles every month, I think I'm going to have some good times with this system for several years to come.

P.S. Thank you Sweetheart!