Hey guys! I'm a total newb when it comes to anything Pokemon. But I am harboring interest due to its massive popularity and would like to check it out myself. (Plus my wife would like to get her hands on it as well.)
I know multiple versions "or generations" are in existence. Right now I'm rolling with a DS. My questions are:
1. Are there significant differences between each version? Or is it comparable to the differences in the sports genre - i.e. new roster and added features? Do the different versions all basically play the same?
2. Which version would you recommend for someone looking to cut his teeth in the series? Ruby/Sapphire, FireRed/LeafGreen, Emerald, Diamond/Pearl?
I checked it 10 minutes ago and it does have today's stuff.
I'm on IE7 and just followed the "Gamespot News" RSS link to an RSS web page with the updates. It seems to be working at the moment - maybe just a hiccup then?
Forgive me if this has been asked a thousand times, but is there a problem with the Gamespot News Feed?
It seems that the news displayed on the feed is a day old. At the moment it does not have any news from today - May 31st. Taking a look at the feed properties says that it updates every 20 minutes.
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