I loved this game. Idk if your talking about the Nintendo 64 one or the newer one that came out but I loved them both. That game to me was just really original in how the game was setup and the things you got to fight. Such a fun game.
I don't like the idea. Honestly for me the Wii is where its at for motion control because it is basic and your in control with the wii remote. From what I've seen with Project Natal you just use your hands. I would never want to sit there moving my hands to go through menus on a game or on the dashboard.
I wouldn't really consider it cheating but it def takes away from the game. I remember when I was a kid trying to beat a game and I just couldn't do it for the life of me and then that one day comes where you just give it your all and end up beating that level or boss. That feeling isn't the same if you look up how to do whatever it is your stuck on.
I honestly like third person better than first person but it all really depends on the game. Some games you can tell wouldn't fit having the point of view swapped.
Honestly I'm not into the game enough to care about how long it takes so the day that it finally comes out then it will be cool to see because it isn't on my mind all the time.
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