Can I move a saved game file between profiles? For example, I have 2 profiles. I started a game on an old profile without XBOX live and I want to switch it to my new profile with live. I was a newbie whenI started hence why I have 2 profiles. I really don't need the old profile if that helps. Any help would be great.
superteach's forum posts
[QUOTE="superteach"]ok, i got pokemon emerald from my wifes little brother. i was woundering what startes i should choose. i used chimchar for diamond. the starters for emerald are treecko(grass)torchic(fire/flying) or mudkip(water). i am thinking torchic but i read that mudkip is a better choice. what do you guys think?SJOmofo
wife?, rnt u a little old to be playing pokemon
s it possible to find a shiny gastroon? i caught 1 with a blue body and green head? is this a shiny?
[QUOTE="superteach"]since i love my first pokemon game diamond, i was thinking of getting and older 1 to play on vacation. which 1 do you all think would be best?justblaze7204either emerald or firered and leafgreeen
anybody else? are these games hard to find?
I am super new to pokemon and i have been reading about shiny pokemon. what does that mean, and where can i find one?
I say, if you enjoyed the problems solving and the detective theme in Hotel Dusk, you should get both Phoenix Wright games, which is about a lawyer who defends people and proves their innocence but doing so mostly during the trial. So with little preparations and exploring the crime scenes he is able to prove a client's innocence by using his theories and evidence found in the crime scenes.
But answering the question you had in mind is not an easy one as most RPGs I have played on the DS are turn based. But as I read that you loved Super Paper Mario, I think you will also enjoy Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time. It contains similar gameplay to Paper Mario, but with two persons, namely Mario & Luigi, which is obvious. It is turn based though, but definitely worth the shot.
The only non turn based RPG I can think of is Lunar Knights and I cannot comment on this game as I have yet to play it.
i was looking at mario and luigi partner in time. it has some good reviews. i am a little scared about lunar knights.
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