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survivorgal Blog

Hey everyone...I'm still alive!

Okay, so, I've been off for a while, as you probably have all realised. You see, my computer at home doesn't allow me to sign in for some reason, so for the past 10 months, haven't been able to go on, which completely sucks. But now I'm at uni, for a second time I might add, my computer allows me to once again access my old account!

I've also created a second account, under the name sweetcharmed, so if you want to add that one as well, I'd be pleased. I didn't know whether I should sign into this one, or even if I could, so I created another one before I even tried. Stupid.

So, what's been happening for the past 10 months? Well, I've discovered I LOVE Desperate Housewives! A show I avoided because I thought it was shallow and stupid but it's actually really smart and really funny! Also, I'm awaiting the season premiere of Survivor: Gabon (coz Aussies haven't seen that yet on TV) and Antm cycle 12 (which I watch on youtube anyway). I've also been watching old episodes of Beverly Hills: 90210, and it's good, despite being way before my time.

Gilmore Girls is probably getting the most time on my DVD player - to me such a classic show! Um, I've already watched all four seasons of Desperate Housewives. I bought Veronica Mars season 2, but found I have to be in a certain mood and I found I only felt like watching it once. Also, I've reconnected with 7th Heaven - I'm a little more grown up, but it's a loveable show. Meanwhile, Charmed and Buffy are still pretty popular. Oh, and I've been watching Crossing Jordan.

So, over the past 10 months, I've also watched Survivor: Micronesia and it was FABULOUS!!! I still hated Amanda, I loved James even more, Ozzy turned into an arrogant jerk and I found Natalie to be horrible. I wanted James to win, but alas no, it was Parvati. I also didn't mind Erik - but man, giving your immunity necklace to the devil - not a smart idea. I also watched Project Runway 5, and found someone I hated more than Natalie: Kenley. Gee, what a bitca! And I read an article that the editors made her look nice. Nice?! I'd hate to meet her.

So, if you want, leave a comment - I'd be glad to hear from you - and I hope to be online more often!

xoxo survivorgal

Dumbest Survivor Moves Ever

This is my first ever blog so I think it's only fitting to discuss my all-time favourite show: Survivor! Now I haven't seen the newest season coz it hasn't aired here yet (so this may contain possible spoilers, so if you don't want to know, don't read on!)

But I'm a huge spoiler freak and can't stand suspence so I know what's going on in this season, including the "biggest blunder" Jason's deal. Now I was thinking, you know, after being completely shocked about Ozzy's exit, how is his blunder bigger than some of the other people who have played the game? Jason's still in the game. If he got voted out, then it might have been the biggest blunder. So, which survivors do I think made even bigger mistakes than Jason?

Lex voting out Jerri instead of Amber (and no one taking out Rob and Amber) I knew that as soon as they saved Jerri instead of Amber, Lex was going to be on the chopping block, especially going into the merge with smaller numbers. Jerri might not have been loyal to them the entire way, but Lex made some pretty bad decisions along the way as well. If he got rid of Jerri instead of Colby, then their team may have had the strenght to make Chapera send someone else home. Ethan, Lex and Tom then could have the same strong alliance they had back in Africa. On that note, I was astonished that no one got rid of Rob and Amber when they had the chance. This is exactly why after All-Stars couple alliances are feared!

Ian giving up his final 2 place to Katie I seriously cracked it when Ian did that. I could have thrown a shoe at my TV. He was my favourite and I really wanted him to win - and to give up his well-deserved place for Katie. I still say it was the car curse which made Ian do that. I respect his reasons, obviously, but I do think that Ian would have had a good shot of beating Tom in that immunity challenge and he could have got one million dollars.

Shii-Ann switching sides in Thailand too early Shii-Ann was obviously an outcast on her tribe, but she has got to be careful about switching too early and too obviously. That's why she was voted out. If she kept her mouth shut, her tribe may have just spared her taking out their bigger threats first, and then her, and it would have been more successful and more of a shock to her tribe IF she had kept it hidden. She had a good plan, and it would have worked too, had she not revealed her allignence to the other tribe too early.

James not playing one of two hidden immunity idols And he thinks Jason's the dumbest survivor ever? James, you got booted and you had two hidden immunity idols? I still say this is one of the dumbest moves ever. He obviously should have played one of the idols, because it would be smart. He'd still have another one to save himself. I still say Yau-Man and Yul both played their idols well (although Yul didn't play his, he used it to his advantage well) and I just say it would have been logical if you didn't win immunity to play the idol, so even if like Earl you didn't need to play the idol at all, you would still be able to guarentee that you could last at least three (or in James's case, six) more days.

Candace switching tribes I think that was really stupid of her. She was in a good position in the game, and by switching tribes she only got less far than she could have. In my firm opinion, the only person who would have anything to gain by switching would have been Brad. He would have been faithful to Yul and Becky and he was definately the next to go on his tribe. Candace could have switched sides at the merge, then taken out the Aitu members one by one and then leading her allies into victory. But, like Shii-Ann, but changing too early, she cost herself the game.

Becky choosing not to play Yul's idol Becky made an alliance with the right person who offered her the idol and a chance to be in the final 3. But Becky wanted to play fair, and as a result spent an hour and half (and with matches too) trying to make a fire which was, obviously, a total waste of time. If Becky played the idol, she may of got at least one vote. I really do think it was the pathetic effort at the tie-breaker and it did cost her the game. With that said, I'm still amazed they couldn't get a fire started with matches. Even Cirie, who was scared of leaves, could make a fire.

Colby taking Tina to the final 2 and Kim taking Ethan to the final 2 I actually think they were both bad decisions, although I do think that Colby's wasn't as bad as Kim's. Firstly, Colby played a good game, and Tina just got the votes. But Kim's was stupid because she could have won if she took Lex to the final 2. Ethan was well-liked, although not doing much to change the game-play and people did respect that a nice guy could make it so far. Both were bad decisions, but in terms of the game, Colby did have a better chance of defeating Tina than Kim had of defeating Ethan.

Ulong getting rid of Jolanda instead of Angie I admit, I loved Angie, but if they were smart, they should have kept Jolanda because she was very strong. Even though the other tribe had Tom and Ian, Jolanda's athletic ability could have helped them win more challenges. I actually blame Stephenie for this (I'm one of those rare people who don't actually love Steph) and I think it was a very bad and unwise decision which cost every Ulong member the game. And it's quite funny, because Bobby Jon and Stephenie were quite strong themselves and STILL they couldn't win.

Jason's blunder was huge, but not enough to make this list because it worked out. He's got three more days and he has been fighting well in the immunity challenges, so he may have a small possibility of guarenteeing himself more time, or even directing the girls alliance to out James and Erik before him. I think he would have been the dumbest survivor ever - BUT he is still in the game, so obviously he is not a biggest idiot than James (sorry, but I'm still astonished that a great Survivor like James didn't play one of the idols. Stupid!)