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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Disapointed)

I was so disappointed after I watched it. I went to see it on the UC Berkeley campus read the post before this one) and I was so pissed afterward. They cut out a WHOLE BUNCH OF STUFF !!! It felt as though the whole movie was scraps they filmed and put together by the end. It is the worse movie out of the whole series so far. The fourth one has already cut out, but this one is horribly wrong. They made the whole book into a 2-hour-and-15-min. movie. How the hell are the fans gonna appreciate that ? I didn't. It seemed to me like the director didn't even read the book, that he only read the summary of the book, and directed the movie. No wonder Emma though about no doing the movies anymore. Good thing, she decided to stay. But I hope that they change director for the next movies. I was so pissed at the movie and the director, especially how they promoted the movie and the behind-the-scenes seemed so cool, but it was really so short. It left me saying "Is that it ?" If yousaw the movie, you'll understand what I mean. The book was supposed to be all about Harry/Hermione. Nothing besides the hug we saw in the trailer. So pissed !

Sorry, I was gone for 6 weeks !

    Hey, guys ! I'm sorry if I haven't replied to anybody for the past 6 weeks. I went to UC Berkeley for a summer program uu there. We couldn't use the computer for anything but e-mails and school related stuff. It was fun, but the classes were harsh. I made a lot of friends there, and I couldn't believe that I was the only one from my high school, Escondido High School. Since the program is two years, I'll go back next year. It was funny how I went ppl from my city that go to the school kinda rival to mine, and I never saw them in my life. They're my friends now. Oh, and a couple days before I got back, I passed out during a test. I spent my morning until 2 PM in the hospital. How fun ! NOT. They took blood tests twice on the same arm, because the first time, no blood came out. Horrible ! Anyways, it's good to be back. haha. 

Ned and Moze !!!

I am so happy ! Ned and Moze finally realize that they like each other. I was so happy yesterday after watching Field Trip. The whole movie was awesome ! It is really the best of the series. I loved everything: the Ned/Moze/Suzie things, and then how Loomer kept on trying to get to Moze until she kissied him really hard to make Ned jealous then ends up super scared. How Cooky was the Steel Eagle and the school destruction while the kids were gone. Ned was so sweet to Moze, while besides the part where he thought he should be with Suzie. Anyways, I ended up watching the movie more than 4 times in the last 24 hours. My brother called me crazy, but I don't care. It's sad though how this is the season Finale, and the show finale too. We won't be able to watch Ned and Moze being a couple. :cry: 
Ned and Moze rocks !!! 

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

 I am so excited about the new Harry Potter movie. I can't wait for it. Too bad when it finally comes out, I'll be away in UC Berkeley. It's a summer program. Anyways, the only thing I won't be able stand during the movie is the kiss between Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) and Cho (Katie Leung). As you can tell, I ship H/Hr and Dan/Emma. Besides, after the GOF premier last year and how Emma looked after the premier (almost in tears) and that guy following her and not having ANY time with Dan, I feel really bad for Emma. I hope after the movies, she and Dan will finally go out. And, of course, Harry and Hermione would have to happen. I have my doubts about it being true. I mean, JKR made it clear that she was gonna pair Hermione with Ron. But I still think it's wrong. Okay, as for the movie, I'm hoping to see the little cute scenes that happened in the book with Hermione and Harry. My friends tell me I'm crazy and obsess with the Harry Potter craze, but I don't really care. I'm still really excited about the movies, and hope I to catch in theater after I return from that summer program in UC Berkely. 
Have a Nice Summer !

I Love the Naked Brothers Band !!!

I love the show so much !!! I don't seem to see why so much people are hating them. I mean, they're kids, can the people who hate them do the same ? The songs might not be as good as other famous artist, but HELLOOOO !!! They're 11 !!! Cut them some slack ! I'm writing this blog because on their forrums, people keep on saying mean stuff, and I'm really sick of it. Also, I want others to know that I support them to the end. GO NBB !!!

I ship Harry/Hermione and I'm proud of it !!!

                I don't care what ppl say, but I ship Harry/Hermione. I know that the H/Hr shippers have been really hurt since JKR said those things about us, but I didn't lose hope. I still ship them. They are so cute together and I think that a relationship should be based on friendship and love. Not base on tension and constent arguments.

My ships 2





Ned's Disclassified School Survival Guide:



Hannah Montana:


S Club 7:


Danny/Sam looks like Romeo and Juliet

D/S makes me think of Romeo and Juliet. Here are the reasons why :

1) Their parents "Hate" the other family.

2) They're about the same age as Romeo and Juliet

3) Danny is Sam's first love, so is Juliet and Romeo

4) Danny had "loved" someone else before  having some feelings towards Sam. So does Romeo, he "loved" someone named Rosaline.

That's all I can think of right now.

My Ships !

Here are the couples that I ship : Danny Phantom Danny/Sam Tucker/Valery Harry Potter Harry/Hermione (I know, people say she should be with Ron, but I say that Ron doesn't even care about her. Harry should be with her.) Kim Possible Kim/Ron Phil of the Future Phil/Keely Daniel/Emma (Radcliffe/Watson) The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius Jimmy/Cindy Liby/Sheen Drake & Josh Josh/Mindy (Drake has too many girlfriends.) Avatar, the Last Airbender Aang/Katara


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