susan3 / Member

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Sorry, I was gone for 6 weeks !

    Hey, guys ! I'm sorry if I haven't replied to anybody for the past 6 weeks. I went to UC Berkeley for a summer program uu there. We couldn't use the computer for anything but e-mails and school related stuff. It was fun, but the classes were harsh. I made a lot of friends there, and I couldn't believe that I was the only one from my high school, Escondido High School. Since the program is two years, I'll go back next year. It was funny how I went ppl from my city that go to the school kinda rival to mine, and I never saw them in my life. They're my friends now. Oh, and a couple days before I got back, I passed out during a test. I spent my morning until 2 PM in the hospital. How fun ! NOT. They took blood tests twice on the same arm, because the first time, no blood came out. Horrible ! Anyways, it's good to be back. haha.