1. Guitar Hero - Never gets boring. 2. Lumines - Addictive, feels like it could last forever. 3. Galaga - Best. Arcade Game. Ever. 4. Halo 2 - Haven't played this game in months, but the online play, once hooked, never lets you go. 5. Resident Evil 4 - Hey this game just rocks, simple as that.
1. Guitar Hero, cause' you know, its freakin' awesome! 2. Resident Evil 4, whats cooler than blowing the heads off zombies and then refusing to sleep with the presidents daughter? 3. Burnout Revenge, yo dude check out my mad drivin' skillz! 4. Ninja Gaiden, Ninjas? Boobs? Cool? Check, check and check 5. God of War, see above except replace ninjas witth 500 foot snakes.
sushi_111's comments