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More Fallen Soldiers

It has recently come to my attention that two more Avatar members have been suspended.

Daveshan posted a pic about Viacom, and famed member Spacerac quoted it, the Mods believed this to be a huge offense and suspended both of them. Spacerac for 3 days, I'm not sure how much for Dave though.

Here is what Spacerac has to say on the situation:

What the hell?
What the hell again?

So as you can see, I got suspended for posting an overly large image. I didn't post just an image. The current discussion in that thread was Zutara evidence videos on youtube being flagged as private. We were discussing Viacom, and DaveshanfromGMU posted that picture made of win. We were on topic. We were discussing ships. decided that picture was huge, however. Huge and/or disruptive. . At least I can be an Autobot a little longer.

I think the real reason they deleted it may have been that the picture insulted Viacom, and Viacom's buying CNET, so a new unsaid rule is "Do not insult Viacom." We need to see a few more Viacom related posts deleted before we know for certain, though.Spacerac

Comments from DaveshanfromGMU were not available at time of blog.

Fallen Soldiers

Some of you may have heard but the lulz master, AllKnowingBeing has been hit by the banhammer.

Obviously someone like him, had to be "censored" and "controlled" in a place like, but this ban I feel wasn't just. A troll came in here, made useless threads and when people called him on it, he started swearing and using racial slurs, so AKB told him to **** himself. To me that warrants a TOS vio, or a suspension at best, definitely not a ban.

And Picaboomman has been suspened, over a miss understanding, the Mods thinking he threatened somebody when in fact he was talking about a character. Poor fellow I hope he'll be back in time for the finale.

A dedication to fallen lulz master, courtesy of Blaster:

But those two have taken Refuge so all will be well.

And by the way This is not AKB. :P

Autobot...bout time

I was gonna do a blog an a fallen soldier, but that'll have to wait seeing as though I've joined the ranks of many others and have become a legendary Autotbot!!

New iPhones and iPod Touches

Well the new 3G iPhones recently came out here in Canada, and my dad and sister bought one. Well my dad bought one for himself and my sister.

My dad bought one for himself because he thinks he's keeping up with technology and my sister lost her phone so she needed a new one. I still have my crappy LG phone and I have to wait like a year for the contract to expire to get a new one, but it's all good.

I had an 8 GB iPod Touch, and an 160 GB iPod Classic, and my dad had a 32 GB iPod Touch. But since he now has the iPhone (16 GB) he gave me his 32, and I love it, it's so much better than my old one. I think I'll sell the old one or something, no use for it now.

My iPod duo

Soccer Battle Royale Part II

Yep that's right, my team got into a fight again, and I've been banned from playing in the next two games.

My rep team is Brampton, and we were faching Scarborough and the dudes were pushing us all the time, but for some reason the ref never called them. So anyway I'm playing defense this game (I either play that or mid field, but I didn't feel like running too much) and their one forward was pushing me with open hands, but I kept my cool.:)

The same dude then goes on and stands in front of our goalie everytime he's bout to kick (which is a foul) but the ref didn't call that either. So now near the end of the 1st half he's doing it again, so the goalie just whips thoe ball in his face, so he dives at the goalie, and then all their forwards and me and my defense squad jumped into and we basically took two of them out. :twisted:

So our entire defense line and our goalie get's a yellow card, and since this is my 2nd consecutive yellow, I'm now barred from the next two games and I had to come off the field. We were still able to win though so it was all good.8)

I'm a little worried though, since we're not the best team in the league, and with my absense I don't want us to lose any of the next two games, are else we'll be disqualified from the upcoming play offs.:cry:

it's CANADA DAY!!!

Yea it's true, which means everything is closed and the streets will crowded with drunken idiots and people painted red & white.

Soccer Battle Royale

I just came from my soccer game, and boy was it interesting. A defender on the other team kept egging on one of our forwards, and when the defender tripped on the ball, he started egging our forward on even more, so they got into a fight, and all the other team got in so me and my team had to as well. It was a pretty fun fight, I decked a guy square in the face, course I got a yellow card after but it was worth it

That team is really fast, so by 2nd half the ball passes our defenders, and they give up, but I'm chasing the player down to stop him from scoring, and catch up, pull the ball back but i was going to fast and the guy kinda stopped so I flew right over him, and gashed my right thigh. I got right back up, even though my entire right leg was in pain, and my coach doesn't like to take me off, so I decided to fall back and play defender. I was on fire, I didn't let anyone past me, although now I'm regretting it with my sore right body and my gash. It's gonna be painful to clean:cry: but at least we tied the game.8)

I've been tagged

Ten things you may or may not have known about me

1)I prefer Marvel over DC

2)Love Hip-Hop

3)American Animation>Japanese Animation

4)My guilty pleasure is MegaMan

5)My favourite DC villians are the Joker & Deathstroke

6)I'm desperately waiting for the two new Batman movies due in July

7) I love my iPod more than my cousins

8 Samuel L. Jackson is my favourite actor

9)Marvel's Civil War is my current favourite comic book storyline

10) Eminem is my favourite living rapper

Well that's it, so now I tag Spacerac and AKB.

Yu-Gi-Oh The Abridged Series

I just got the podcast of the lastest Yu-Gi-Oh TAS and it's hilarious.

Tristin: I have a gift for you

Serentity: Is it a cure for my emminent blindness?

Tristen: Nope, it's something better, a computar!

RIP Blaster... Again!

Unfortunetly our Avatar friend, Blaster's new account has been discovered and banned. Had he not wanted to fight for freedom of speech, and had he not questioned the authority of the Nazi like Mods this could've been avoided, but keep fighting the good fight don't let this hold you down!

And tell me this isn't full of lulz:

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