So I live in Boston. I've had to deal with this Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie advertisement hoax bomb dealy for the past two days... it's been insane.
I've read some blogs here and there from people who aren't from here and who are criticizing the reaction Boston officials had to the hoax.
Here are the facts for those of you who THINK you know everything there is to know:
1) ATHF ads (LED signs with wires and batteries) were placed in several locations around the city of Boston and several surrounding cities (Cambridge, Charlestown etc)
2) The ads were placed a while ago and were NOT noticed by anyone. SOMEONE CALLED THE POLICE TO REPORT A BOMB and that is why officials reacted the way they did. They responded to where the first bomb was said to be, when they found something, they began shutting down the city to ensure citizens were not in any danger.
3) MBTA (Mass Bay Transportation Authority) shut down services during rush-hour, closed major streets, roads and highways around Boston to set off the bombs in a controlled environment with the Bomb Squad.
4) Turner Broadcasting reveals this was all part of a lame marking campaign... meanwhile the city is shut down (post 9-11 "fake bombs" not so funny)
5) The mayor of Boston arrests two stoners who placed these devices around the city.
6) Mayor of Boston wants to sue Turner Broadcasting. Under Mass law, only can the two defendants be charged if they are found to have intended a fake threat. (If they called in the threat, they'd get 5 years per device... 200 years of prison each)
I am beyond sick of hearing, reading people's blogs about how Boston is stupid, Boston overreacted etc. If you were told there was a bomb taped to your front door... you go and look and HOLY *(@%*O% there is one!!! What would you do?!
Some official from New York was just on TV talking about how there were 40 of these things around NYC and no one cared, Boston folks are just different... This statement angers me to no end... is everyone forgetting about the THREAT that was called in to prompt this whole thing?!?! These devices were in place for weeks with people not caring... it's only when a threat call was placed were they taken as possibly dangerous devices.