I just bought a GBA, and not SP, but a plain old GBA from Ebay for $10 (came with Matt Hoffman's BMX and Street Fighter II) yes the one without the backlight. I bought it to play RE Gaiden and that's really it... :lol: Maybe find some old copies of Tomb Raider Curse of the Sword and The Prophecy.
Anywho, I picked up a few games for this GBA, knowing I was heading into a 2-day Microsoft Exchange 2003 seminar and figured I needed something to do while the instructor yacked about everything I already know... turns out the seminar had all of 9 other people in it, so needless to say my GBA didn't get much use; the button clicking would have given me away.
One of the games I picked up was Star Wars Episode II: The New Droid Army. I figured, meh, what the hell, I've liked every Star Wars game I've played so far. Damn if LucasArts doesn't pwn me!!! This week I added SWEII: NDA (haha) and Empire at War to my collection and realized I've crossed the border into fanboism. I haven't played a Star Wars game I didn't like; granted I know the day is coming when I pick one up and question my exsistance, but thankfully that day hasn't come. I've heard horror tales of Obi-Wan and apparently anything having to do with Episode I is pretty much frowned upon in the review world... it's a good thing I play games myself before I believe the hype or lack there of.
The GBA just confirmed my new love... which is all games Star Wars. These really could surpass my love of survival horror... I see it coming and I find that scarier than Pyramidhead. The first SW game I played was amazing, Knights of the Old Republic, I want to write a review for this but I can't possibly put into words how incredible this game was and I believe there is a character limit, at some point, for reviews. Next came Republic Commando, which seems a bit underrated, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Battlefront, Lego Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, and the outrageously addictive, beautifully developed Empire at War. And Jedi Outcast II sits dusty on my shelf, but I swear one day I'll play it!
So I know my eyesight will be shot, playing New Droid Army on my backlightless GBA, and I know I'll likely become a recluse from hours of humming the Imperial March... so yes that's a little scary but I guess I've always enjoyed scary themes.