Gamespot will have much more robust GOTY material this year than my personal list because there hasnt been as much this year i have purchased compared to previous years. But here we go!
XBOX 360
Genre- Puzzle. PVZ features more content for 15$ than most 60$ new releases do. 50 offline stages not including all the puzzles, survival, and other special modes. Co-op offline play is also available. This game is a very fun and accessible tower defense game anyone could get into given its (almost too) gentle difficulty curve. PVZ is also available on many other platorms.
XBOX 360 Kinect
Genre- Virtual Life. Kinectimals is the premier Kinect title and holds one of the highest aggregate review score out of the device's launch lineup. While simple, this game really shows what the device is capable of; with smooth controls that work. it is mostly a collection of mini games that involve various interactions with your ultra cute kitty, but it is one of those games that have so much charm, one can easily forgive it's shortcomings. If you have or are thinking of getting a Kinect, you cant go wrong with Kinectimals.
Playstation 3
Genre- Role Playing. 3D Dot Heroes is a blast of nostalgia hailing back to the NES/SNES days of graphics and sound. Everything about the world is made of squares, with the resulting characters looking like something from an 8 bit game. The music also is simple MIDI tracks that pay homage to the old school days. This game also pulls very strongly from the old Zelda games in how it is played. Everything fits together so well, that rather than calling it a rip-off, I call it a tribute.
Playstation Store
Rocket Knight and Hoard. this might seem biased, as these are the only two PSN titles I have purchased this year but I feel that both are deserving of some praise. RK is a bit steep in price for 15$ being only a three to four hour game, however it has excellent platforming. There are also several unlockables to obtain and score leaderboards. Hoard gets a nomination from its uniqueness; you fly around as a dragon and do what dragons do best- burn, pillage, loot, and take princesses. At the same time this game also has a strong multiplayer component to it and is in fact enjoyed more with friends than alone.
Genre- Action. Monster Hunter 3 is by far the most solid online Wii experience. While the game follows the series' formula of grind, harvest, gear up, rinse and repeat; it is more accessible than ever for new players to get into. this does not mean though that the harder quests are not without challenge, far from it. Boasting some of the Wii's best graphics and online multiplayer, anyone wanting a good challenge, a game that you can sink hundreds of hours into, and to play online with friends need to look no further than this. MH3 is also one of the few games I have given a score of 9.5 to.
Genre- MMORPG. Again a biased choice being the exclusive PC purchase of 2010. Cataclysm makes WoW practically a all-new game with almost all of the old world revamped in content, landscape, or both. Two new races bring the total to 12, six per side. And ups the graphics capabilities of the game- though it still holds a blocky cartoony look- considerably. Though some might already be past their time with this MMO, for new players, there has never been a better time to give it a shot.
PSP and DS coming soon!
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