Back in 2004 Nintendo began the 7th Gen with the release of the DS. The new portable was a big hit with the way control was also ultilized with touch screen and microphone. The on-board Wifi was a big plus as well but it was several months before the online stuff took off.
Over the course of 6 years, and soon to be 3 hardware revisions later with the DSi XL releasing this Sunday, Nintendo has enjoyed a tremendous success with their system. Though with the constant remakes of hardware, people are starting to grow weary of upgrading for fear of a newer model being announced soon after.
Now we reach the conundrum; why did Nintendo announce the true successor to the DS consoles before the XL even released instead of waiting for E3? We all know upcoming secret projects are getting nortoriously harder to keep under wraps within the video game industry. Ninty could have simply shot down any rumor like it usually does instead of buckling to the pressure. This is a very strange move for them. And one that is most likely going to hurt the XL's sales substantially as people decide to keep their money they would have spent on it, save up a bit more and just get the '3DS' instead within a year from now. I predict the XL will become the like the GB Micro; in that it will be the red-headed stepchild of the DS series with low sales due to other announcements. However the GBM was released eleven months after the original DS, kinda like 'what was Nintendo thinking.'
With this announcement the DS's sales are going to begin to fall as people hype up and prepare for the beginning of Gen 8. Why buy a new DS when you can just wait for something for a few months, and get the next-gen instead that supposedly can also play DS carts as an added bonus.
I still plan to get an XL because I like PSP-sized screens, however with the trend both Nintendo and Sony have taken with the almost yearly hardware remakes and improvements to their portables, I dont see myself getting a 3DS or whatever it will be called anytime soon. I will wait for at least the first revision. Though I do feel somewhat angry and perplexed at their choice to break the news so early especially so close to another new hardware launch, we will just have to see what the future brings. It was getting time for word of the next-gen to start popping up anyway.