Gaming is no longer what it once was. Gaming is declining in sales, and quality. Why? The whole ideology that we have to screw over the consumer.
Want a quality game? Only after you pay for all that extra download content making the game a complete package like it wasnt released as. There is never enough money for us. We are good at leaving out stuff, charging you 60$ for about half the actual game, then releasing the rest in 10$-each packages. We are so smart!
Want a game with actual depth, as in longer than 5 hours of enjoyment? Nope, cant have that because we spent so long pushing polygons we forgot to add in the gameplay. We offer multiplayer, and since we believe that is all people want, we turn most of our focus to that anyway.
Who wants creative thought and new ideas when the same thing released year after year with a new suffix title or number on the end sells so much? New ideas scare us because we dont know if it will grow into a healthy horse that we can beat to death with the sequel numbering stamps.
We had a board meeting and decided that instead of trying to protect the consumers by enhancing our security systems, we are mad and our going to enhance security, but on the consumer end. Like require a constant internet connection to play a single player game! I mean who doesnt have internet these days right?
Screw you secondary market!! We found it easier rather than setup our own stores based on secondary sales where we make all the profits, we will just make used buyers pay 10$ to unlock the online of a given game! I mean, no other industry fights used sales! We are starting a new battle here, the best battle ever!
We are xenophobic and dont like people using other devices for their entertainment, so we are going to add to our consoles the ability to do what you can do on any computer with a browser to our machine, but make it part of the premium paid service!
Oh how the champaign glasses rang after our montion controllers released. We were sleeping on your money. We forgot to continue to release games for them, but that is okay! We will integrate the motion controls into future hot titles, but just make it a very minor gimmick. People love seeing extra colors on their game boxes that arent normally there!