I think we're just aging.
When I was a kid, gaming was more or less strange. Only the nerdy anti-social kids did it. Heck it was almost rare, because not everyone had a desktop in their home nor could afford a console.
Kids now want new things, fast. The sad thing is, it's not just kids anymore. Adults too. I mean why else is Apple releasing a new phone, with more or less the same specs, every year? And people - adults - still buy it.
Why are there over 10 games for Call of Duty? There's over 10 games for Assassin's Creed as well. Both these franchises, in my opinion, stopped being good 8 games ago, at least. The first Assassin's Creed wasn't very good to begin with - it was repetitive, but when it came out it was something unique, different to all the other games around.
I think previously - the game industry wasn't about making money. (Yes it was still about earning a profit, but that's essentially what all jobs are about). People in the game industry loved games - simple as that. Now gamers can become world-known celebrities and make millions simply by playing a game. Game CEO's are like rockstars and are well-known. Heck, even phone company CEO's are celebrities now.
In my opinion, all these individuals have dirtied something that used to be very pure. It used to be about enjoying a game, creating something to be proud of. Now it's all about maximizing profits, hence you get a franchise with over 10 games. They release the games every year - like expected, but none of them really do anything different.
You get games like Dead Island which was unique when it came out, but because they rushed it - it was released with a broken co-op system. You could literally not play co-op on Dead Island (which is one of the main aspects of the game they advertised), even months after the release of the game! What did the game developer/publisher do about it? Nothing. They didn't even seem to care - just ignored it.
I find it quite interesting in that sense to compare the West with Asia. When Final Fantasy XIV was released, it completely flopped. What did the Japanese creator(s) do? Make a public apology to the players who spent money on a game that was incomplete - and the CEO stepped down because of it, voluntarily! The CEO was replaced and they announced a new version of the game (A Realm Reborn) would be released. The gamers who bought the first one - got the new version FOR FREE.
I completely understand your nostalgia about old games, even the ones that weren't very good. I feel like creators put more heart and soul into games before. I mean one of my favorite games to this day is Crazy Taxi Driver for the Dreamcast and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for N64.
Sadly there is nothing that can be done about it, other than try and get used to how things are now. (And be nostalgic and collect old games).
I've still got floppy disks with games on them. XD
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