the thing is that bolth games are two different types of fps shooters, one is a realistic type shooter with period weapons and the health system is made to be as life like as possible without being cheap. the other is a futureistic type shooter where the guns are far more advanced and the health system is much stronger which in this case i find a more chalenging game and thus more fun to play, the first game i mentioned was black ops. the second one is halo reach. bolth games im goin to get but i think overall halo reach is goin to have more replay value and thats what im looking for
no thats not the way it works. yes the stores are only stocked with a certian amount but if you pre order nd they still have the lengendary avalible then after you pre order you are assured that when halo reach drops into stores on sept 14 that you will get the whole shabang
i believe that the most underated games are as follows from best to worst. 1.soul caliber 4 (problably the best fighting game ever) 2.doa 4 (another great fighter where speed and countering were the key to victory) 3.cod waw (while the multiplayer was mediocre to say the least the campaing was thrilling and nazi zombies is still probably one of the greatest minigames of all time. now some ppl say that it copied horde and firefight but in reality it was a completely separate entity, although it did have some aspects of the aforementioned minigames it was not only thring to play but had the added feature of being able to search for games online instead of having you have to have 3 of your friends to play with you) 4. the crackdown series (the multiplayer was not so great but it had a thring campaign and a wide variety of guns and the fact that you could be like a super hero is just plain awesome. 5.blacklight tango down (as i am well aware that this is the most recent game on my list it is probably the most underated of them all, this is an xbla game and i truely believe that it rivals mw2 and halos multiplayer because of the variety and customization of your soldier and your weapon the intuitveness of the customization is remarkable that this game is only $15 if this was a fully fledged game i would still get it because in a full game they could have added so much more) so there is my list of the top 5 most underated games on the xbox 360 p.s. the games are numbered from best to worst 5 being the worst
just 1 thing to say im not completely sure that you are right but im almost positive bungie has already thought about this problem and im sure theyll fix it.Secondly in the beta ppl were able to save a pic to their file share and post it to the bungie servers so the likelyhood of comunity maps being shared around the globe will be evident. Third in the vidoc bungie described how to post a map variant to your file share and they quote on quote said that they are excited to see what the next big community map will be so it is evident that i will be able to seamlessly upload and download map variants.
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