Okay for one of my latest blogs I decided to write about the thing I can never get no matter how hard I try in Dirge of Cerberus.
*Spoiler Warning*
To get this thing you have to protect 12 guys from everyone else in the level. Their spread out and they don't take damage until you pass a certain point so it should be easy right!? Wrong, in fact this is so hard that if you can protect these guys perfectly I honor your skills as a gamer. But just let me tell you there are 3 spots in this whole level where you can mess up and trust me it's easy to mess up. I will go from the easier things to get by to the most hardest thing to ever get by in completing this mission.
The first place and possibly the second easiest thing to get by (The easiest poses no problem at all; it's basically kill the enemies in front of you) is to kill the enemies WITHOUT shooting the explosive barrels which will also destroy one of the guys you have to protect. All you really have to do though is melee the enemies and everythings fine. But if you go in and shoot the enemy at first glance you get theres a 90% chance you will hit the explosive barrel.
The second place is where you go inside the headquarters of the guys you have to protect and you have to protect them from a bazooka weiding guy who will obiliterate them if you don't kill him fast enough, 5 machine gun guys who will pummel them over and over again and two beast guys who don't pose much of a threat. Since all of your allies are out in the open this isn't too fun but if your quick enough this shouldn't be as hard as the first thing you have to do.
The hardest and first thing you have to do is protect 4 of your guys from a huge barrage of enemies. It starts out with 7 soldiers firing machine guns at everybody and you have to take them out ASAP so your group can withstand the second wave. The second wave is the part where you will fail the save everyone requirement about 500 times and I literally tried this level over like 40 times and I only got it right once and when I did get it right I blew up the guy in the hall. This wave consists of 15 missile shooting chopers. You HAVE to take out the chopers so they won't do any further damage but if they fire missiles at you and your guys you must shoot them out of the air before they hit anyone which is really hard to do since you don't lock on to missiles. And if one of your guys gets hit twice by a missile he's dead. (You have to use the gatling gun for this part or it's entirly impossible). Also the last copter is so durable that it takes 900 hits! And when it crashes 3 guys with swords come charging at you to try and kill the guys that you just protected from the missle barrage!
Believe me on this if someone got the Guard N Barrel I greatly honor your skills as a gamer because this is possible the hardest thing I had ever attempted to complete ever!