So I added a bunch of games to my collection mostly 90% of it is from kairikh :P
Since I started posting blogs I was going to keep track of all new games I got but then I remember i could see other members profile and see their collection so I added them that way since I was to lazy to go out and search for the games one by one.
And another sad note my iPod nano just died today at 8:17 a.m. PST :cry:. I've done everything in my power to revive it by pushing the menu and middle button to reset the settings and trying to plug it in and have the computer install an update to it. However, my computer doesn't recognize the iPod so I can't even access it that way. Since I already told myself that I can't buy anymore extra entertainment now I'll have to make my psp my temporary mp3 player till i get a new one. My birthday is coming up soon...:D