Well i got the Modern Warfare 2 game a day early :Palthough from what i heard i could have gotten it 3 days earlier but hey at least I got it. Right now I have to install some system update so that's why I'm busy writing this blog instead of spending every waking moment with the game right now. In other news I also got Demon Souls. I wasn't originally going to buy this because of the difficulty and price but I was in gamestop the other day trying to kill some time and I saw that someone returned Demon Souls the deluxe edition. It even still had the strategy guide and hard cover with it. Even the guide wasn't damaged :o. And since I knew that the deluxe edition was already sold out everywhere I saw that it was a pretty good deal and bought it. And man is that game hard :shock:. So far I've only passed 1-1 and eventhat was a pain in the a$$. Oh it looks like I'm done downloading everything for MW2 so I got to go now :P
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