Well its been awhile since I blog. The reason being is that Ive been really lazy and when i did have stuff i wanted to talk about it was during work when I thought of it and due to my lack of long term memory I forgot what I wanted to say immediately on my way back home.
Anyways lets start off by saying how awesome this game White knight chronicles is. I've been playing almost nonstop since yesterday. It does an interesting job of splitting the single player and online multiplayer modes. You see when you start, you create your own character and instead of that character taking up the role as the main hero you are actually a minor sidekick character who often times gets ignored and have very little screen time. Which shifts the focus on the real main characters of the game and there story. Its kind of odd but it works for this game, since you can take that character you made, goonline and meet up with others to take on quests or just hang out in someone's town. So this game has an MMO feel with exception of the PvP battles. Though sometimes I wish i could have killed some people for making fun of my avatar :evil:but i digress. :P
I really don't want to say alot about this game right now because I have that "new game feel" where everything is new and fresh so i tend to look over the faults until after i play the game for, let's say, more than 20 or so hours. Although i will say this about the faults ive had so far. the saving time takes too long (like two whole minutes to save since it save and then it has to "auto save" afterwards. not sure if i turn that feature off I should look into it), online navigating friends/strangers profiles gets annoying because you have to constantly back outto your home page, and the overworld is like FFXII in the sense that its to large to go from one place to the next. Sure it makes sense to have that large open area for online sopeople can gooff andexplore on there own and not feel like they are just tagging along with the party leader, but the least you could do is use smaller mapsfor the single player experience since half the time you aren't going to explore half of it anyway (unless you really wanted to.)