Well its just a short rant for today but if you haven't noticed that for the last several months, probably even going back to a year, the youtube channels have been changed to a new look. Personally I've never liked the way they looked and about two days ago they finally sent me an e-mail basically saying "Hey we've noticed you haven't upgraded to the new redesigned look so we have taken the time and effort to update it for. Make sure you check it out and see that everything fits the way you want it." I was hoping to keep my old channel the way it looked but no I guess I have to settle with the new look.
Really my only complaint is that if you go on someone's channel click on one of their vids and if you wanted to comment on it or even view the comments you'd have to make an extra click on the vid to open it up in a new window or tab to show the comments. How hard is it to just add the comments right below the vid in channel?
but anyways here's my channel if anyone wants to see it. http://www.youtube.com/user/syb1. I have a Wild Arms 3 complete playthrough (the only one on youtube, or at least it was when I uploaded it), a failed Ar Tonelico playthrough (because apparently the ps3 decides that this game shouldn't be bc), a cod 4 montage with Rusk by BECR, few gamebattles matches of Cod 5 and perhaps the most hilarious of my vids a ninja defusing on cod 4 with players reactions.