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The basics of Rot

ok, so here we go again, I must be going on some other wild tangent. it astonishs me how some people can use the internet as frequently as most people do, and have no idea of some very basic computer and network concepts.

i recently posted a thread in the ps3 forum with the name

Message Decode Rot13.

i would hope that some of you already knows what that means, of the 4 people who replied to my thread, only 1 got it. and inside of 15 minutes my thread was locked. i wrote the following

vf vg whfg zr be qbrf nalbar ryfr gver bs gur pbagvahvat penc gung vf qhzcrq va bhe sbehz? gurer neag nal vagerfgvat cbfgf, be rira onfvp uneqjner be argjbex dhrfgvbaf nalzber, vgf whfg oyngrag snaoblfvfz penc gung doesnt orybat naljurer arne pvivyvmrq pbairefgngvba, v unq gb cbfg guvf va ebg orpnhfr ubcrshyyl vg jvyy xrrc gur 12 lrne byq xvqqrf naq vqvbg snaoblf bhg bs n erfcrpgvoyr guernq, vs lbh jnag gb unir erny pbairefgngvbaf vq fnl yrgf gel rapelcgvba.

I had to leave 1 word unciphered due to auto censoring of swears. - if you already havent figured it out, ROT13 is a basic ceaser shift encryption, enabling anyone that is firmilair with the term free to decode the message. I mean seriously, it was in the name of the thread. but some people dont take the time to figure out what something new means, insted falling back on the addage, i dont know it, so i fear it.

My intention was soley to keep the converstation among those in the know enough to understand the meaning of the title. thus weeding out the riff raff. I do find it desterbing that the moderators in my forum of choice will let a PS3 sucks, or what not thread sit around for hours, and my clever little ciphered message gets nabbed in 10 minutes. wheres the justice in that, and if the mods dont understand some of the basics, what happens to users who dont use english? do their threads get the axe too?