What's Up Gamespotters? :)
Lets start with BH Problem:
Is it good? :D
I've finished part one but after rendering which took me almost 100h!!! i notice that i did something wrong! for character animation, i forgot to create keys for their movements so they don't movie! :cry: now i need to fix it :cry:, it will take me another 100h! so i will upload it next Saturday :( but i have time to upload both part 1 and part 2 for next saturday :)
Red Faction:
I'm playing red faction now, and it's really fun :)
the physics is so great and the missions are fun, for example there is a rescue mission in this game which you go to the EDF base and rescue some red faction members as fast as you can and they start to attack you fallow you with tank!, you can go go to behind the walls break them with your hammer and free them...or there is a mission which you ride a vehicle and attack to EDF bases...
there was a missions which was so exciting for me, EDF was bombarding the red factions bases and my missions was to rescue the people and save the important information while all the buildings were falling...:D
So far i like it, I will Review it after i finish it, i bet Red Faction 2 going to better :)
KANE&LYNCH 2 dog days:
I've just bought it :D i don't want spoil it, but it's so great the camera movements the atmosphere is pretty Cinematic, but the game has very strong and violent language and sexual moments it's for +17, the graphic isn't so impressive but the character movements is so real
the audio is so great, the game play is superb, I'm playing it with extreme difficulty, you will die with two shots! so far i like, I'll talk more about it :)
Watched all the Prison Break seasons:
Yup I've watched all of its seasons, such a great TV show indeed, the ending made me cry :P now i need to watch something else hmm....maybe i start to watch all of the LOST seasons again! BTW I've bought Inception still didn't watch it yet :P
Okay I'm going to render BH, and playing K&L 2 and Red Faction Thanks for reading :)