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Christmas or Yalda?/ update

Hello guys :)

Well after playing 38 hours Dragon Age i kill Loghian and i set Alistair as a King and we are gathering the forces to fight with the Blight lol i like Morrigan she is sexy, wild, 75% evil 25% Angel... lol

I'm extremely trying to finish the 3DS Max's tutorial, first i was thinking i can finish the rest of it in one week but it's so hard and so long i think it takes me one month to finish it or more! i can make an animation right now but i want make a decent and awesome animation :D especially about video games like Gears of War...I'm so excited lol so I'm sorry guys whom i can't show my animation right now in other hand I'm looking for some programs which can help you make simple video games :D i totally forget to study my own lessons for my college lol i love to make video games one day but it's really hard wish me luck ;)

So i want share some useful information with you guys about Christmas and Yalda hope you guys like it :) :

The longest night of the year happens on December 21-22. This day/night is known to be the birthday of Mithra, (Mehr)

Mithraism originated in the Eastern part of today's Iran around the 7th century Before Christ (BC). It also was practiced in the Roman Empire since the first century BC., and culminated around the third through fourth centuries after Christ (AD), when it became very popular among the Roman soldiers.

Mithraism disappeared from overt practice after the Theodosian decree of 391 AD, which banned all pagan rites, and it apparently became extinct thereafter. A philosophy was then believed to be that the world was based on energy and the known closest energy toEarth was the Sun.

In every Mithraic temple, (Spread out in Europe of today, i.e. Belgium, England, Germany, France and Italy), the place of honor was occupied by an effigy of Mithra killing a sacred bull, called a Tauroctony. Iranians believed that in Tauroctony the bull is sitting on the nutriment ofland.


The ancient Iranians believed in the purity of humans. Good thoughts, good words and good deeds were the basis ofpurity and energy. It was believed that the union of Moon and Sun gave birth to Mithra in a "stone"!

The stone may have been the symbol that Christians used as a stone-cavern for Christ!

As for the Virgin Mary, it is in the legends that Zoroaster (Zartusht) bathed in a lake north of Iran (Aral sea, according to some!), where his seeds are conserved till a young virgin bathes in it and conceives with those seeds! The child that is born will be the last "human", before the seen and the unseen world join!

Mithraic beliefs in Europe emerged side by side with Christianity for two centuries, both of which moved up toEngland. The Mithraic influence was about to make the Christianity fade away by 391 AD. Mithraism's great teachings and true basicsworried the Catholic churches. The said effigies and many similar sketches in most European churches, including Vatican, attest to the influence of Mithra. It is believed that Vatican was built on a major Mithratic temple in order to hide the evidences.

Mithraism became known to Romans 70 years prior toChristianity. They maintainedMithraism as their official religion until 370 AD. Following emergence of Christianity in Rome and ancient Greece, yet many religiously worshiped and practicedMithraic teachings.

Constantine of Rome in 325 AD developed some sympathy toward Christianity and distanced himself from Mithraism. While he was pushing his nation toward Christianity, he died without abandoning his basic Mithraic beliefs. His son who was in love with Mithraism, its great philosophy, humanitarian traditions, love of nature and festive life all year round, brought Mithraism back, but his short life did not permit him to complete his intended task of making Mitharism the official religion of Rome.

Perhaps if he had not died so early, today the dominant religion of the world would have been something different from Christianity.

Mithraism and Christianity were practiced side by side until 12th Century, at a time when Catholic churches thought of killing Mithraism by taking away the festive traditions and cherished living. They however adopted the names of weekdays. In ancient Iran, every day of the month was named after an astronomical planet and star, such as Moon, Sun, etc. Any day that matched with the name of a month was a festive day. Sunday that had something to do with their belief in the energy coming down from Sun, in Mithra's teaching was called "a rest day". Greeks and Romans incorporated the same name(s) in their weekdays and called It Sunday; or Monday as derived from Moon.

t was in 12th century that churches adopted the story to create Christ from a "Virgin". They turned Mithra's belief "Last Human before the seen and the unseen" into the return of Christ at the end of times and included same in gospels.

Muslims took the same story to fabricate their funniest, the most horrible and nonexistent man in the world, namely "Mehdi", living at the bottom of a "well" for over 1000 years, who is supposed to return with a sword to massacre the unbelievers until their blood rises up to his knees, thus, justice be served in favor of the believers!

The time lapse between such purity to this stupidity was only 2500 Years..

According to the Iranian legends/myths it is believed that Mithra was born at the longest night of the year, called "Yalda" Yalda, in the Seriany and Assyrian dialect of Iran means "Birth". At the time the Christian churches agreed to repel Mithra by replacing "Mir Now-Roozi" (a man with a happy face and in red outfit, appearing during festive times in Equinox= Spring) by a jolly man called "Santa Claus" or "Papa Noel". They made sure to have Christ's birth from Virgin Mary fall on a day close to the "longest night of the year".

If one focuses on Mithraism, Judaism and Christianity it is easy to conclude that both latter religions are influenced by Mithraism. Therefore, it is not strange to notice some remaining traditions to still exist in some locations around Europe imitating that of Iranian's andin some cases to be a carbon copy.

As it is shown in the above carved stone steps of Appadana Palace (Persepolis- Shiraz – Iran) the Cypress Tree has been part of Mithraism to keep the environment at its utmost purity. The Cypress during emergence of Santa Claus and Christmas (12th Century) has been turned into Pine with shining star (symbol of Sun in the Mithraism) on top of it; becauseCypress did not grow in Europe at the time. The above picture shows Now-Rooz Celebration and arrival of the representatives of various nations into the Kingdom and paying tribute to the King of Kings.

It is not strange to notice that the same word "King" is also used in most Judaic and Christian holy books.

If one examines the Cyrus the Great Cylinder, one can easily conclude that how important the "Humanity" was in the Ancient Iran. This cylinder is sitting in the British Museum, whereas a replica of it is posted on the third floor hallway of the United Nations, where all delegates pass by before entering the assembly hall.

Thanks for Reading, PEACE, have good Christmas :)