Hi everybody :)
I've finished two games Vanquish and Medal of Honor and here are my final thoughts about them :)
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Okay Vanquish is pretty fun and new, i enjoyed playing it and i definitely looking forward to Vanquish 2.
the story wasn't so important for me, they've uses this cold war idea and bring it to Sci-Fiction age, war between USA and Russia... and you play as Sam to stop them to use the mass destruction weapons......., the Robots, the bossfights... all of them are creative, a big city in space, giant Spacecrafts, those big robots are pretty new and that makes it a new game for me.
The Gameplay is the best part of the game, there is a good variety of guns and enemies, each gun works for special type of enemies for example for those big robots there is a gun which you can aim to their weak areas like their hands, heads and you can cut their bodies :P and so on..., the physic works pretty good, the gameplay is pretty fast especially when you use your turbo boost. but you can't use slow motion when you are getting cover, you first need to press jump button then aim button to bring the slow motion which it causes some camera problems specially in little areas, or the blind shooting system, doesn't have very big difference with aiming system, the enemy A.I is simple, and the charging system sometimes is annoying and it was short, it took me 9 hour and 51 minuets on Hard Difficulty, and the credit was so funny you should shoot pictures of those game developers :lol: and the last member which is the director, is more challenging to shoot :lol:!!
The Graphic is pretty good, there is very huge environments and scenes on the game, very great distance view, very good textures and lighting system.
The Audio was good, the dialogs during the cut scenes were pretty good, but the game doesn't have lip syncing, you can see the face of characters in your left upper corner of your screen when they start talking, the game has a good sense of humor.
Overall i recommend Vanquish for those whom are looking for a new shooter :)
My Final Score is 9.0
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2-Medal of Honor:
I don't know what was their goal to making this game, it could be a great game if only if they've worked more on the Story and Characters.
I didn't understand about the story to be honest it was boring same old same.... which we see in news, you can't contact, feel your and other characters in the game, first, all of them look same to me, second they have low textures you can't compare them to the Modern Warfare 2 characters, i really didn't understand what we are doing in the game, why first we are at deserts then in the mountains lol....
The Gameplay was the best part of the game, there wasn't new guns in the game all of them are like MW2...,but the game has good physics, the enemies have destructible bodies which make it cool, the hard difficulty was easy for me not that challenging like MW 2 noting so special in this part lets move on to the next part :)
The Graphic is good, the environment has pretty grate detail, the snow at nights looks cool to me....but the Characters have low details to be honest specially the main characters!! and they look pretty like each other!
The Audio isn't very great, i barely could hear their voices so that i turned on the subtitle! and it was like only one guy is voice acting!
There was some cool mission like those snipe missions or that Helicopter mission too which was short.
Overall i didn't like it don't buy it now it doesn't worth to pay $60 for it
My Score is 7.5
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Okay Thanks for reading my final impression, for the next blog i will write my first impression about Fable 3 and Fallout New Vegas and i will write my next Dragon Age Codex and Voice Actors :)
I'm thinking to get Force Unleash 2 and Lord of Shadow :D
And Happy Halloween and check out my recent Home work :P