Hello my fellow gamespoters :)
Well I pass my damn midterms! and i have some free time to play Mass Effect 2 :D
Game Talk: Mass Effect 2
I really impressed by this game!!! they really did a good job! the story gets more interesting! and it has 2 DVDs! the map is so huge!!!
Here some information about my Character:
You can start with new character and new power but i start with MA1 character
Syler Shepard lol
Level 11
Time played: 33h.57m can you believe it! my main mission even not start!
Difficulty: Insanity which it's really easier than Gears of War or MW2! there are 5 difficulty: 1-Casual, 2-Normal, 3-Veteran, 4-Hardcore, 5-Insanity
The Story:
The story is really huge if i want talk about it will take me 2 days lol but your main mission is to find the Collectors and stop them!
The Map:
The Map is so huge you can explore the Galaxy, and you can learn good things about space! i find 5 big cities right now:
1-Citadel is the space station, 2-Omega city of the pirates and mercenaries, 3-Horizon is an colony it's not so big and it's not important, 4-Illum the biggest city the most important city, 5-Korlus is a ghost town lol and not important, there are more cities which i haven't find them yet!
And you can scan planets to earn this materials for upgrade your ship:
1-Palladium, 2-Iridium, 3-Platinum, 4-Element Zero
The Ship:
The Normandy is a really beautiful ship it has 4 Deck and it has an interesting AI![EDI] :
Deck 1 Captain's Cabin:
It's your cabin and you can buy small ship models for your cabin or Fish and you can feed them, you can change your clothes, change your armor and change its color, you can check your Private Terminal, or your Medal of Honors, or your Space Hamster, or talk with EDI..you can listen to music too[sound system]!
Deck 2 Combat information level:
this is the main deck of your ship, you can check the Galaxy Map, or Upgrades, or research terminal, or talk to Mordin, or Briefing/comm room which you can talk to illusive man there and you can talk to Jacob or you can check the Weapons locker, there is bridge room and you can talk to Joker and EDI, and Kelly.
Deck 3 Crew's Quarters:
Well most of your team are here, there is life support and you can talk to Thane, if you go to the Women's restroom EDI tell you go to Men's restroom lol, there is Crew Quarters which they sleep there, there is Star Board Observation which you can talk to Samara, there is Miranda's Office and you can talk to her, you can talk to Dr.Chakwas here voice is that queen in Gears of War!!! i like her voice, Mess Sergent Gardner is your Chef he gave me a list to buy once lol, and there is Main Battery which you can talk to Garrus.
Deck 4 Engineering:
In this Deck you can find Graunt and Jack and Engineer Daniels and Engineer Donnelly.
The Squad:
Your first mission is to gathering special team and my team has 9 members right now and i need to find more, here is the list:
1-Shepard: Everyone know him here is my character information:
Powers: he has 6 Abilities:
1-Adrenaline rush which it's really useful, slow motion.
2-Inferno Ammo it's really useful and best choice in combats especially for those enemies who have Armor
3-Combat Mastery it increase your health and shield.
4-Concussive Shot it's really great for near combats.
5-Cryo Ammo i don't use it very much.
6-Disruptor Ammo is decrease the enemies shields and it's useful.
Health: 399
Shield: 300
and you can be a good guy or bad guy in this game if you do good things your Paragon will be increase if you do bad things your Renegade will be increase :) also you can use lots of guns!
she is the illusive man agent and she is really hot :D and I'm in the Illum-Transport Station right now to help her to save her twin sister! she is dangerous like Morrigan and can't be trusted, here is her Abilities:
1-Overload it's a massive energy and can have great effect
2-Wrap it can decrease enemies shield and armor
3-Cerberus Officer it improve skills and weapons damage..
4-Slam is lock right now
Health: 220
Shield: 300
Loyalty: Loyal :)
Weapons: Submachine Guns, Heavy Pistol
He is stupid a little!
Loyalty: Normal
1-Pull, useful
2-Incendiary Ammo
3-Barrier it's lock right now
Weapons: Heavy Pistols, Shotguns
He is my Favorite and really powerful the best choice for everyone!
Loyalty: Normal
1-Concussive Shot which it's really helpful
2-Incendiary Ammo, my favorite
3-Fortification, it's lock right now
Weapons: Shotguns, Assault Rifles
He is awesome like Grunt! he is from Mass Effect 1
Loyalty: Normal
1-Concussive Shot
3-Armor_Piercing Ammo, it's lock right now
Weapons: Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles
Wow she is so dangerous indeed! she is look like Michael Scofield lol, she is some kinda pirate
Loyalty: Normal
1-Shockwave it's really useful
3-Wrap Ammo it's lock right now
Weapons: Heavy Pistol, Shotguns
He has a great voice indeed and interesting personality he is an Assassin :)
Loyalty: Normal
3-Shredder Ammo it's lock right now
Weapons: Submachine Gun, Sniper Rifles
He is an Scientist and really useful for our missions
Loyalty: Normal
2-Cryo Blast
3-Neural Shock it's lock right now
Weapons: Submachine Guns, Heavy Pistol
She is 1000 years old!! and she have lots of stories like Wyen in Dragon Age Origins but she still hot lol
Loyalty: Normal
1-Throw, it's really useful
Weapons: Submachine Gun, Assult Rifles
The Enemies and Alienes:
We have lots of enemies and Aliens in this game and they are smart too:
Mercenaries: Blue suns
Mercenaries: Eclipse
Non_Council Race:
Volus this kind is so funny
The Guns:
You can find lots of guns in this game here is nice list of awesome guns:
1- M-8a Avenger Assault Rifle
2- M-15 Vindicator Battle, which it's my favorite gun
3- M-23a Katana Shotgun
4- M-27a Scimitar Assault Shotgun, great shotgun
5- M-92a Mantis Sniper Rifle
6- M-97a Viper Sniper Rifle, it's my favorite gun
7- M-3 Predator Heavy Pistol
8- M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon Pistol, it's my favorite gun
9- M-100 Grenade Launcher, it's awesome
10- Collector Particle Bean, really powerful
11- ML-77 Missile Launcher
The Codex:
The Codex is like a book! it has two part 1-Primary, 2-Secondary, for number 1 it read them for you for number 2 you have to read lol for example it tell you Extinct Races like Protheans....
The Upgrade:
It has lots of upgrades which they are useful
The Dialogs and Voice Acting:
The Dialogs are awesome like Dragon Age Origins and you have to be careful what to choose! the Voice acting is incredible indeed!
The Game Play:
The Game play is awesome but it has some problems for example when you get cover and you try to change your weapons he will get out of the cover or when you get cover you can't shoot enemies without aiming like gears of war!
The Graphic:
The Graphic is incredible!! the best graphic for a RPG game ever!!!! good physics too
So I think it's one of the best 2010 games :) everyone should try it!
Thanks for reading :) if you excuse me i want rescue Mirandas Twin Sister lol